37 | Clearer Mind

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A week. Its been an entire week since my entire world collapsed, since I found out Savannah was taken and my Oma was brutally murdered, since Ricky.. Since I've spoken to Ricky.

Ever since the night Ade tried to force food down my throat, his wolf has been coming by every night. He comes in and I immediately let Leon take control, allowing them to just spend time together because I know what my wolf needs right now is his mate. I haven't eaten at all this week, whenever Leon is in control Denzel gets him to eat and I think that's the only reason we havent collapsed and been put on an IV yet, that and the fact that I haven't stepped foot out this room.

Leon tried to encourage me to spend time with Ade, saying that I'd feel better if I was around my mate more and that our bond would help with my grief but, that's not true. I understand why he believes that, our mates' touch probably feels like a thousand tiny warm sparks dancing across his skin, his heart probably swells at just the sound of his voice, and his nerves immediately dissipate at his scent. It's not the same for me.

His touch feels like hot fire running over my body, somehow making its way into my veins and burning me from the inside out. His voice causes my heart to painfully contract against my chest, as if my heart itself were trying to run as far away from him as possible, and his scent.. His scent puts me on edge, his scent causes the memories of that day to grow more vivid, our echoey voices forever stuck in that empty classroom and in my head escaping just to torment me.

I hate him. I hate him and I'm glad he's finally realized I don't want to be anywhere near him. I'll allow Denzel to continue bringing us food, I'll allow him to convince Leon to eat, to touch him, to whisper sweet nothings into his ears and chase the bad memories away at night. But I refuse to allow Ade anywhere near us. Near me.

I turned to the door as i heard it being opened, tensing when I smelt Ades' scent but calming down when my eyes were met with his wolfs golden eyes, "You're here early." I whispered, still slightly out of breath and calming down from the initial thought of Ade coming into the room to talk to me in the middle of the day.

"Get up." He ordered, slightly laughing when I stayed still and instead just stared up at him with a raised brow and confused expression, "Why?" I finally questioned, watching as he made his way to the bed, grabbing my hands and gently pulling me up and into a sitting position on the side of the large bed, "You're going outside." He stated with a big smile as I just continued to stare at him as if he had just grown two heads.

"I'm good. " I answered back, immediately turning back around to bury myself back into the thick blankets, groaning when a pair of large hands landing on my shoulders stopped my movements, "You're not getting out of this, Lekkers. (Sweets.)" He replied matter-of-factly, a small grin spreading across his face as I sent him a frustrated glare, "I told you to stop calling me that." I grumbled, rolling my eyes when he just laughed in reply.

"Oh, did you?" He mused, a teasing grin spreading across his face as he once again grabbed both my hands, this time pulling me to my feet as I reluctantly tried to fall back onto the bed, my body leaning in an uncomfortable angle as he continued to hold me up by my arms, "Nope, you are not going back in that bed." He said, giving me a pointed look as I stopped my leaning with a frustrated breath.

"I don't want to go outside." I stated, looking up at him with a blank stare and a frown. My frown immediately deepened when he laughed, ruffling my hair with his large hand. "It's a good thing I wasn't giving you a choice then." He mused, his hand going back to my shoulder, giving me a gentle push towards the closet as I rolled my eyes but did as he wanted and entered the large closet with him on my heels.

I stood by and watched as he picked out some of his clothes, not saying anything as he hummed and skimmed through the multiple hanging items. "Alright, here." He said moments later, holding out a black polo shirt that looked like it would be too tight on him but maybe only a tad bit too big on me and a black pair of cargo shorts.

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