48 | Park Conversations

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A/N | Hey, guys sorry for the long wait, I just finished my finals (I passed, yay!). Anyway, I've gone back and rewritten ch. 47 so if you want to go back and re-read that, go ahead. Enjoy! 💜

The bright morning sun shined through the opening of Ades' thick bedroom curtains, causing me to groan at the blinding feeling the bright light gave.

I turn away from the window, letting out a deep breath before tossing the blanket off of me and sitting up on the edge of the bed. I tiredly blinked at the ground, my eyes catching a glimpse of a white envelope on Ades wide dresser.

I turned my attention to the envelope, looking over the red ribbon that was nearly tied into a bow around the folded paper. I sighed as I got up and made my way to the dresser, staring down at the envelope before carefully lifting it up.

It's only been a few days since Ade came with me to my session with Ansley and we haven't spoken since, I don't know if he's avoiding me but not seeing him has brought an uncomfortable feeling to my chest.

I know I don't miss him, but unfortunately our bond is somehow still present, and as a result is making things a little difficult, 'It doesn't help that I have a moping wolf whining in my head all day.' I grumbled into our link, flipping the envelope to analyze the back of it.

I have no clue what's in this envelope, believe or not, it just suddenly showed up the day after me and Ades last conversation. I know it's from him though, his scent is all over it and he's the only other person I know that would have access to the room, since it's literally his bedroom.

'Whining??' Leon repeated in an offended tone. I ignored his words, gently tracing the ribbon with my fingers and pausing as I thought over opening it, before shaking off the thought and putting the note back down.

'I'm just joking~' I mused, holding in a laugh as he let out a huff of disbelief. 'What a funny joke.' He replied sarcastically, I rolled my eyes at his annoyance, letting out a breath of a laugh as I made my way into the restroom.

I wasted no time in doing my business before heading straight into the shower, my body relaxing under the feeling of the lukewarm water. 'It's been awhile since we've talked to Kyle.' I paused at Leon's random words. 'Yeah, it really has..' I agreed, my brows furrowing as I tried to think about the last time I actually saw the montoned human.

'Maybe I should go see him.' I absentmindedly thought into our link, closing my eyes as I lathered my hair with soap. 'No objections?' I hummed questioningly as I started to rinse the soap from my hair, rinsing the rest of my body before turning off the water.

'Why would I be against that?' He questioned defensively as I simply shrugged in reply, stepping out the shower and wrapping a thick towel around my waist. 'No reason, just surprised that you, for once, don't have anything to say' I jokingly explained, my eyes lazily scanning over the few clothes I had put in an empty drawer in Ades' dresser.

Leon grumbled at my answer, receding into the back of my head as he blocked out our link. I raised a brow at his response, letting out a sigh and shaking my head as I put on a random pair of gray joggers. "He's been really moody lately..." I murmured to myself, grabbing a random shirt and threw it on.

Once I was finished getting dressed I made my way downstairs to Kyle's room, letting out a shaky breath as I stared at his closed door. I didn't realize how nerve wracking it could be to speak to someone you haven't seen in a long time until now.

I shook off the nervous feelings, absentmindedly wiping my palms on my sweats before just opening the door. "Hey Kyle I-" I paused mid-sentence, brows furrowed in confusion when I realized there was no one in the room, "You won't find him here." A voice randomly said, causing me to slightly jump at the suddenness.

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