25 | Why?

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I groaned, stretching as best I could while being wrapped in thick blankets. My eyes were blinded by the natural light that shone through the uncovered window beside the large bed. A took a moment to rub my eyes, blocking the beautiful light before turning and being faced with a muscular back. It was Ade.

He was sitting with his back to me, his head looking down and his fingers moving as if he were working on something. "Ade?" I questioned through squinted eyes, cringing at how groggy my voice sounded.

Ade glanced back, "You up?" He questioned, his voice was unusually soft as he leaned forward to place a warm palm on the side of my face. "How are you feeling?" I looked from his face to the large hand he had against mine, "Uhh.. good?" I answered hesitantly.

"That's good to hear." He replied with a smile that had my nerves running wild, "Okay..?" I said confusingly, why is he acting so weird all of a sudden?

I watched as he shockingly let out a laugh, sending me an amused expression as he leaned back and removed his hand from my face, "Go take a shower." He ordered, nodding towards the closed bathroom. "I don't have any clean clothes." I answered truthfully, not really wanting to be in the room with him longer than necessary.

"I already had someone take my hamper to be emptied and cleant, I'm assuming that's where you hid them." He revealed with a knowing smile that I embarrassingly looked away from. He let out a breath of a laugh at my reaction, "I'll put some of my clothes on the dresser for when you get out, just wear those." He offered.

"You're clothes?" I repeated, my eyes squinting in on themselves in disbelief as he stood up and pulled the thin shirt he was wearing over his head. "I have to talk to Zane so I'll see you when I get back." He announced, completely ignoring my confused state.

"I'll just head home on my own." I started, slipping out the comfortable bed and onto my feet as he slipped on a different shirt. "No, wait here." He ordered again, holding his hands up in front of me to stop me from going any closer to the door.

"Are you trying to hold me hostage?" I questioned, raising my brow at his hands. He let out an amused laugh, "We need to have a talk, so just wait here until I get back; It shouldn't take too long." He replied, slowly lowering his hands back to his sides.

"What do we need to talk about?" I asked through squinted eyes, any talk that involved the two of us always ended badly. "You'll see." He said, a sly grin spreading across his face as he opened the door to his room, "I'll drive you home after." He bargained, leaving the room before I could answer.

The door closed with a soft click and I was left a confused mess, staring at where Ade had just been standing with wide eyes, not believing a thing that had just happened. All of a sudden, rather from nervousness or for standing too long, my legs gave out and I fell into a squatting position on the floor. My hand went to my head as my gaze flicked across the wooden floor, as if all the answers I needed were hidden just beneath the beautifully set boards.

"What the hell is going on?" I mumbled to myself, my voice hushed and quiet despite no one else being in the large with me. "I must be dreaming.." my words trailed off into nothing at the thought, "Yep, I'm just in a very long and realistic feeling dream where Ades wolf took control of him and kissed me, magically turning Ade into a decent person overnight." I mumbled, ignoring the inner laugh that sounded from Leon.

After a few moments of silence I stood up and walked into the bathroom, "There's no way this is a dream." I grumbled as I shut the door behind me.

I started the water just as I had done last night, using all the same materials (plus a new washcloth) to bathe myself, taking a long and much needed shower before wrapping a towel around my waist and exiting the bathroom.

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