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"may, may."
his voice is raspy but soft, I shoot up my head bumping his, we both groan in pain, my forehead throbs.

He chuckled leaning over holding his head.
"this is so embarrassing, when did we fall asleep?"
I ask.

he looks at me, I realise our legs are interwoven. we both awkwardly shuffle I decided to sit up and get out of bed, checking the clock on the wall.
"Oh fuck we've slept until night time."
i mumbled taking my shirt off, pausing when I just realised I'm half naked and Timothèe chalamet is sitting on my bed.

I'm quick to pull a more comfortable shirt on.

turning around he's pretending to look out the window but I see his pink cheeks.

"I think I've been meaning to say this, but I like your longer hair."
i say breaking the momentary silence.
be smiles looking up at me, his hands perched on the edges of my bed.
"I know you loved my old hair."
he said.

we both laughed.
"so, let's get out of here."
he said smiling.
I ask.
"Yes now."
i furrow my eye brows at him before he springs up grabbing my hand.
"come on may let's go."
He says.
"I'm not 17 anymore."
i mumble.
"and you're, we'll you're a celebrity."
i say.
He asks.
"we can't do stuff like we use to."
he pulls me closer to him.
"we can do whatever we want, whenever we want."
he says.
"what about-"
"don't think about the future, or the past. All we can control is the present, and that moment is already gone, so let's go."
He says rambling off, he makes me smile, this is just want old Timothèe would do, rattle off on how time is short and you only live once and you'll die eventually and no one will care, just to get me to do shit with him, no one has been able to convince me to do shit that I do with him.

He asks.
"you're dangerous for me timmy."
i say grabbing my coat.
"I mean-"
"You only live once now let's go."
I say.

he smiles pulling me outside through my window, cringing at myself quite literally.

he helps me out and I nearly slip on the inch concrete, I almost forget Christmas was coming up, Timothèe catches me but he looses his footing sending us backwards into the snow besiege the footpath.

i hit the ground with a big thud, turning I smile seeing that it's snowing, Timothèe turns snow callings upon us.

i stick my tongue out catching some ice on my tongue.

the snow was sort of deep so the silhouette of our heads are now imprinted onto the snow.

Timothèe holds my arm pulling me on top of him, I laugh my legs on either side of him, I bend down connecting our lips.

i kiss him a few times before leaning up, still straddling his hips literally in the middle of a footpath except it's very late and dark, no one's out, the only light is the dim moon lit sky that shines down onto us.

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