• chapter 3 •

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Today you woke up with a little more excitement that usual. Your nerves were on edge after your mind made up different scenarios over and over on how the shoot was going to go.

You still could not decide how you wanted to tell Melo you learned who he is. You felt like maybe it would be kind of an awkward situation. Maybe he thinks you already know who he is? But then again, you don't think he would give just anyone his phone number. You were not sure what to think. Maybe it was not that big of a deal to him anyway.

Since your only photoshoot was with Melo today. You decided to hit the gym with your boyfriend for an early morning workout, take a hot shower and make a nice breakfast.

When you got back, Tristan called dibs on the shower first. You decided to prepare a full breakfast for the two of you. Blueberry pancakes, eggs, bacon, all that good stuff.

"You have that one shoot in the afternoon right?" Tristan asked you.

"Just one yeah," you hum while scooping eggs out of the pan.

"Nice what kind?" He asked.

"Just a portrait shoot," you reply with a smile, setting a full plate in front of him.

"Nice," is all he says while he scrolls through his phone and begins scarfing down the food.

"Enjoy," you laugh as he rushes to eat.

"Thank you," he said with a mouthful of pancake.

You giggle and focus on eating your own food. You check your phone whilst doing so.

A text from Melo popped up.

Melo 🕺🏾🛸💯

good morning! where we shooting today?

You look up and your boyfriend who is still distracted by his own phone. You begin typing up your reply.

You: Wherever you'd like! All up to you!😊 you got your outfits picked out?

You take a bite out of your pancake.

Melo 🕺🏾🛸💯

Yeah but kinda need a second opinion.

You: shoot!

Melo: Attachment: 2 Images

"Well," your boyfriend gets up slips the plate into the kitchen sink. You click your phone off and set it next to you. "I'm going to get going," he says.

"Awwww already?" You asked, looking at the clock that read 8:30am. "That was too fast."

"I know honey I'm sorry. I'll try to swing by tonight if I can," he reassured. "It might be kind of late though."

"Okayyy," you pout. "Just let me know." He plants a kiss on your lips.

"Yes, now go shower," he laughs.

"Well I would have showered already if someone didn't hog up the shower first and wanted to shared," You laugh.

He rolls his eyes in response and smiles.

"Text you later," he says while grabbing his keys and heading for the door.

"Okay babe," you respond.

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