• chapter 10 •

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November 22nd 2019

Incoming call:

Momma 💕

"Morning," You mumbled softly while keeping your eyes shut.

"Happy birthday to you...." you heard your mother and father begin singing along to the birthday song together through the entire song.

It was definitely way too early for tears.

"Awww man, I just woke up, now I'm crying already," you sighed.

"It's okay. It's your birthday, and they'll be plenty time for happy moments," your mother chuckled.

"True, I'm so happy you called, thank you," you sniffed.

"Of course honey, we wouldn't miss it for a thing, I'll see you later," your mom replied.

"I love you guys," you gushed.

"We love you to, let us know when you're on your way. Enjoy your morning," your mom replied before disconnecting the line.

Today is your 20th birthday. Your birthday always felt like a dream and of course it was already feeling nothing short of that. Especially with the events that have occurred in your life as of recently. You took the morning to reflect on your life, what you were grateful for and how far you have come.

Your birthday treat to yourself was staying in bed a little extra longer and getting the rest you needed, cuddling with Lucky and going to get your hair done after showering and putting on an outfit that you were most confident in.

Right as you were about to leave for the salon, you heard a knock at the door.

You opened it, and were greeted by a random delivery man.

"Hello," you smiled.

"Umm- I have a delivery for Y/N? Y/L/N?"

"Oh? Yup- well that's me-" you chuckled.

"Great!" He replied, "come on guys!"

Three men swiftly began bringing carts in filled with roses and sunflowers.

You were at a loss for words. Unsure of where this was coming from and who would have even thought of doing such a gesture... no way it was who you thought it was.

You watched as they began unloading the carts.

"Where would you like them to be placed?" One of the men asked.

"I guess, any empty surface you see," you shrugged scanning your small apartment that had just enough room for what you had in it already. They began doing as they were told.

You watched in awe as the beautiful flowers filled up your apartment space.

You looked at Lucky and smiled, she was looking at the men from your bed very confused. They even left you with a little care package of flower food but you had no idea how you were about to care for dozens at a time.

"Well, that's all of them- oh and they left you this note," he said while handing it to you.

"Thank you guys so much, they look beautiful," you said to them as they gathered and stacked their carts together.

"No problem! Have a nice day!" He waved and they swiftly exited your apartment.

You looked down at the note.

I told you you deserve the best.

Happy Birthday Y/N

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