• chapter 8 •

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October 30th 2019

You finally were getting to see Melo today after not seeing him for what felt like forever. Ever since last week when you and Tristan broke up, he checked up on you when he had the chance by texting you and making sure you were doing okay.

He truly took your request seriously of sending you pictures of something cool, funny or random that he saw. It became almost an everyday thing where he would either send a plate of his food, a random picture of his face and tried to justify it because he said you specifically asked to send "something cool."

He would also send a picture of maybe just a random statue or landmark. He started sending more views after you once told him that beautiful views were you favorite thing. He knew those little random messages made you smile and that is how those text messages grew to be a special way to connect even being hundreds of miles apart from each other.

Each day felt less and less painful since the break up. You were taking the time to work on yourself. You had not received a single call or text from Tristan. You have been on edge about it ever since, wondering if he would reach out to you to say anything else before he leaves for good.

Until now.

Tristan: My beautiful darling Y/N who I'll miss very much. I'm sorry things had to end this way. I understand if you never want to talk to me again. Just know I always loved you and didn't want things to end this way. I didn't want them to end at all. I didn't tell you my plan was the military because I didn't want you to think badly of me. I guess that doesn't make sense. All I know is I'll always love you. No one will ever love you like I did. I wish you the best. I leave for boot camp on the first of November.

You scuff in frustration. It almost makes you want to laugh. Staring at your phone rereading it wondering how you put up with the toxicity for so long. You slipped your phone in your back pocket got out of your car, grabbing your coffee and purse.

You shut the door behind you and looked up startled and in shock, there stood Melo with his arms open.

"Oh my gosh," you exclaimed running up to hug him.

"Heyy," he chuckled while squeezing you tight. You let go of the hug and looked up at him, his eyes were low and he was cheesing extra hard.

You smirked and him.

"Hmm, I see what you were up to," you teased.

"Whatttt?" He asked in a high pitched tone, trying not to laugh.

  "Hmmm," you hummed, reaching up to hold his cheeks, turning his face side to side to look into his red eyes, visibly high. He grabbed both your hands and brought them down to your sides.

"Don't worry bout it," he teased.

"Okay," you huffed. "I'm just mad you didn't ask me to join."

"Awww, you smoke though?" He asked and the two of you began walking.

"No, yes, well I've done it a couple times it's been a while," you shrugged.

"I don't want to corrupt you camera girl, you're too pure for this world," he stated while the two of you got to his car.

"I'm not that pure," you argued and he looked at you sideways.

"Hmmm, oh really?" He stated getting his car started.

"Whatchu like to do for fun?" He asked you.

"Well- I... I guess I work a lot.. and I consider work fun. So that's a good question," you shrugged.

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