• chapter 12 •

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November 24th, 2019

You stretched and rolled out of bed, you got up to feed Lucky and took your phone off  the charger.

Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: Tonight at like 7, be ready.

You: oh shit, how ready?

Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: new fit type ready.

Apple Pay $500

You: Oh 😦😦 Word.

You stared at the money on your phone at this point not even surprised he sent it but still feeling grateful. As you began preparing breakfast as silent as you could, Jordyn was sound asleep on your bed still, face buried in the pillows.

Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: what are you doing today?

You: I guess now I'm going to the mall to get a new outfit 🤣

Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: that's what I like to hear. Send me pictures 😊

As you waited for the eggs to finish heating up to scramble them, you popped some bread in the toaster.

You: okay 😊 what are you up to today?

Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: practice for most of the morning, then I'm getting food with some of the boys.

You: okayy, have fun 🤗

"Ughhh," You heard Jordyn groan without saying any other words.

"Awww, look who's finally up," you chirped, scooping eggs from out of the pan and onto the plate.

"Oh I feel amazing," she moaned sarcastically.

You walked over to her and handed her a water bottle with her plate of scrambled eggs and toast. She thanked you and attempted to take small bites.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" You chuckled.

"I wasn't that bad," she mumbled and you glared at her. "I remember... moments."

"Yeah? Like what?" You asked her, anticipating her response.

"Talking to Miles, meeting some of the team, being on the table..."

"Almost throwing up in Melo's car and nearly giving him a heart attack?" You chuckled.

"Damn... sorry about that," she mumbled.

"It's okay... you held it in... then proceeded to throw up in the elevator on the way up," you confirmed and she threw her hands in her face out of embarrassment.

"Aw shit y/n I'm so so sorry," she muttered.

"Don't be sorry at me be sorry at the janitors who probably came into work and were shook as hell," you exclaimed. "It was too late for us too tell anyone about it and we were not about to clean it ourselves."

Completely disregarding your words, a devious grin slowly grew on her face. 

"Sooo did you and Melo finally kiss?"

"No," you giggled looking down. "That was interrupted by your gagging."

"Aww man y/n c'mon. I'm annoying when I'm drunk, I'm so sorry."

"You are," you laughed. "I forgive you. He asked me to get ready for tonight at 7. I don't know what he has planned but he sent money for me to buy a new outfit soooo we have to go to the mall," you murmured, taking a bite out of your own toast.

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