Chapter 22

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Lacey was downstairs reading a both while Jasper and Emmett played checkers. Carlisle was at work, Esme was watching a movie and Edward was with of course Bella and Alice was playing a game on her phone beside me.

"I can't believe that little twerp told you he loves you" Emmett snorted I put my book down looking at him

"I don't mean it like that I just mean he wasn't even supposed to imprint on you" He says defensively and I nod

"Yeah you better change your words" Jasper and Alice both laugh. Tonight I am going to sneak out to see him and Seth is going to sneak out too. We haven't seen each other for over a week because well Sam has kept him busy and when he isn't patrolling he is either or asleep or when he does want to hang out I can't because I am helping to plan Bella's and Edward's stupid wedding. I heard that when Jacob got the invite he ran away and I totally do not blame him I mean she could be normal and human with Jacob but instead she picks my freakin' brother who is anything but normal and human like really are you that stupid Bella? My phone vibrates and I look at the text it's from Seth

'Meet at the new house at 6.' the text says and I smile. I look and it is already 5:30. I was in sweatpants and a plain white tank top, but I didn't care. I slipped on my pair of green chucks that were next to the door grabbing my gray sweater and the keys and walking out of the door to my car.

I drove to the house unlocking the door and walking in when suddenly I am grabbed from behind. I whip around ready to fight and see Seth

"Gosh Damn it Seth. Don't do that" I tell him and punch his chest he laughs and I roll my eyes quickly walking, him right behind. I shut the door and locked both locks. I turn to him putting my arms around his neck.

"Finally. We're together" He whispers I smile and lean up to kiss him. He kisses back aggressively I could tell he had been craving my lips and I had been craving his. I jumped up and he held me as I wrapped my legs around his waist and he continued to squeeze my butt, that was his way of holding me up and trust me I did not mind one bit. We walked into the kitchen and he put me on the counter as we continued out make out session when suddenly I heard something. Seth must've been so tuned out to reality he didn't even notice until he smelt something.

"I smell a vampire" He said quietly and he lets her go. Lacey jumped off the counter and smelled the air. It was a vampire she never smelled before so it wasn't any of her family she knew that much

"Seth, go upstairs hide in one of the rooms" She told him quietly not trying to loud or make any sudden movements to let the predator they were in there

"No I am going to fight" He argued

"You are no help as a human and I will not allow you to phase in this house. Now go" She hissed at him. He hesitated for second but then turned and ran upstairs.

I go behind the door and stand there to see if they will try to come in. I hear creaking meaning the door is opening. I quickly come out and surprise whoever they are and pin them against the wall hissing. That's when somebody grabs me and throws me across the room. I fall to the lamp and hit a wall breaking the lamp. I get up instantly

"Who are you?" I shout at them wondering who in the hell are they and why they are here. This is my turf not theirs.

"Where is the cure!" One of them shouted. I was taken aback.

"What cure?" I asked completely puzzled.

"Don't act stupid" The other says finally recovering from me choking him out.

Imprinted on the Enemy (Seth Clearwater Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now