Chapter 12

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Jasper's POV

            As me and Alice were laying in bed there was suddenly a knock. I groaned

            "What?" I asked with irritation seeping through my voice. The door opened and Carlisle came walking thru the door

            "Have you talked to Lacey since she left?" He asked and I shook my head.

            "Nope, she didn't even tell me where she was going in a text or something" I replied. Alice was lying on chest if we would've been human it would look like she was listening to  my heart beat, but since we are not she is just resting her head on my chest.

            "She could be with Seth" Alice suggested and I nodded

            "Yeah, she most likely is. It's Lacey, she probably feels like at the moment he's the only one she can go to" I answered.

            "But the treaty?" Carlisle wondered out loud

            "Is still in tack, for now at least. Technically, it's been broken a couple of times by each of them, but they've never been caught. It's daytime so I highly doubt they'll risk it. They're both probably meeting up in Forks or something" I explained with a shrug of my shoulders. Which was kind of hard since I was laying down and Alice was laying on me.

            "Wait, so you're saying they've both risked their lives just to see each other?" Carlisle asked

            I nodded slowly "Yeah, Seth has been over here while Lacey has been over there. Embry, Jake, and Quil were helping with Lacey go over the other night. It was only them and of course Seth on patrol and they allowed her over. They are going to help Seth and her because they know he can't control it. And I'll help Lacey as much as I can" I told Carlisle and he nodded his head

            "I will too" Alice piped in. I looked down at her as she looked up at me and we both smiled to one another and I pecked her on the lips.

            Then that's when Edward comes barging in

            "Carlisle, you can't be serious" Edward argued

            "Edward, Lacey deserves love no matter who it's with. Why do you get to be happy with Bell who's a human, but she can't be happy because Seth is a dog?" I nearly shouted

            "Because they're our mortal enemies!" He shouted at me.

            "Edward, Jasper is right. All of Lacey's life, she's never been loved. She doesn't even know the concept of love. Her whole life people have never cared about her. Not her parents, Voltori, her sister whom I doubt she's told you guys about she is so used to taking care of people and her being the last priority she deserves love. She's longed for it her whole life and whether it's with a wolf or not she deserves to be cared about by someone who truly loves her" Carlisle said calmly.

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