Chapter 8

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"I'm gonna kill that kid!" Emmett shouts and starts running down stairs.

"Damn it, Emmett!" I shout running after him with Jasper following shortly behind.

Emmett ran downstairs and was almost at the door.

"Jasper! Do something!" I yell at him in a pleading voice. Jasper starts to concentrate and calms Emmett down a bit.
"What is going on here?" Rosalie asks sternly. I finish walking downstairs and Jasper follows in suit.

"I'm going for a run" Emmett mumbles opening the door getting ready to walk out. I run to the door and slam it shut.

"No you don't" I mutter to Emmett.

"What. Is. Going. On." Rosalie asks again with her hands on her hips. Everyone is crowded around waiting for an explanation.

"It's nothing" I tell them calm and coolly.

"Well, obviously something is because you and Jasper were running after Emmett trying to keep him from leaving" Alice explains and I glance to Jasper. I see him staring at Alice with loving eyes while Alice is busy glaring at him. I chuckle at the scene in my head.

"Explain Emmett" I say turning to Emmett and shrugging my shoulders.
"I'm gonna go kill someone" He mumbles.

"Why is that?" Rose asks.

"Because, I have a boyfriend" I say with no emotion not wanting to make a bigger scene than it already is.

"Ohh my goodness really!" Alice squeals happily.

"He's not only her boyfriend, but she's his imprint!" Emmett shouts. I push Emmett as hard as I can making him go flying into the wall.

"Lacey!" Esme shouts and I say nothing.

"What is he talking about?" Edward asks.

"Don't act stupid Eddy you read my mind tell them might as well everybody might as well spill because no matter what I say you guys are gonna get pissed." I sneer glaring at every single one of my siblings.

"Okay, you guys just stop and calm down" My dad says. Who is my dad you may ask? Carlisle of course and my mom is well Esme, I usually call Carlisle dad more often than I call Esme mom, but I do call them by their names too.

"Thanks daddy" I say in a sweet voice and he smiles at me while everyone else groans knowing that's how I usually get my way.

"Lacey, just explain to us what happened" Esme says.

I sigh and take a deep breath "Okay, everyone better sit" I tell them. Everyone moves into the living room and finds somewhere to sit. I explain to them first of how I healed Seth

"Lacey, what were you thinking!" Alice gasps. Jasper is busy holding her by the waist and tightens his grip around her waist. I shake my hand and he lightens up, he's trying to calm her down, but it doesn't matter to me.

"I know, I know I just had to help him he was hurt and either way he was going to get healed by me or dad so I figured it'd just be easier for everyone. Anyways, back to the story" Emmett is busy bouncing his legs up and down rapidly; he's irritated.

I tell them about how we saw each other in the woods too and how we met up tonight and that's when he told me.

"You gotta admit, that's kind of cute" Bella says. She's busy spending the night.

"Thank you Bells" I tell her and she gives me a tight smile.

"My main concern is how in the world did Seth even imprint on you, you're a vampire" Edward says and everyone agrees.

"That's what I'm saying" I tell them.

"The legends, do they say anything about this? Does Seth know if they do?" Carlisle asks. I shake my head

"No, but Jake told him he'd snoop around and see what he can find out" I say with shrug

"Emmett, stop shaking" Rose scolds.

"And no Emmett, you cannot kill him" Edward says. Emmett mumbles something incoherent making us laugh. Rose gets up and drags Emmett upstairs to their room.

-Hope you enjoyed this chapter. A lot of drama went on. Well at least the family now knows and is taking it well, except for Emmett of course. Lol.

Kisses <3

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