Chapter 19

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            The rest of the night was basically look out to see if Leah came or if the treaty was broken by anyone else.

            "The treaty has been broken, they are a threat to us now!" Edward said

            "No they aren't" Alice insisted. I just paced back and forth while biting on a nail.

            "Yes they are!" Edward argued

            "Shut up okay!' I screamed finally done listening to the arguing. Rosalie and Edward were arguing against Emmett, Jasper and Alice about how the treaty was broken

            "Lacey how can-"

            "Edward, enough" I said in a very commanding voice

            "None of us, will speak of this or let anyone outside of this house know. The treaty will stay intact" I said

            "How can you say that Lacey you were almost killed" Edward yelled at me and I shook my head

            "Leah was angry and is angry and she wasn't thinking straight."

            "Lacey you need to think rationally about this" Rosalie said in a calm voice

            "I am thinking about this rationally, Rose!" I screamed at her. I took a deep breath and began to speak again "This is best for all us. If they find out the treaty was broken they will reprimand Leah, and think that since the treaty is already broken they can attack which means we will have to flee again."  I explained

            "I still think-" Edward started

            "The treaty will stay intact unless fully broken by the wolves" I commanded

            "But-" Rose started

            "This is final!" I spoke loudly. Since I was the one who thought of the treaty that day we all chose that I would be the one to decide that when or if the treaty is broken whether it really is broken well at least if we consider it broken. I hear mumbling, but ignore it completely as I continue to look outside and watch the rain fall.

            "Lace" I hear Alice as she put her hand on my shoulder. I instantly opened up the door and ran out into the woods. I ran and ran, I wasn't even sure where I was running to, I just knew I had to leave at least for a little while.  I jumped into a tree and just laid there on the branch.

Seth's POV

            "That was a close one" I muttered more to myself than to Jake but he still replied

            "Yeah, tell me about it. You sure you just don't want to come clean because you know Leah will tell" Jake said as we continued to walk shirtless back to Emily's house.

            "I'll talk to her tonight and convince or at least try and convince her to not say anything"

            I heard Jake scoff not believing I could convince Leah to stay quiet, I wasn't even 100 percent positive I could convince her either, but I had to at least try, right?

            I crept downstairs to the kitchen of my house to get a drink of water. I was only in my basketball shorts no shirt on and that's when the kitchen light is turned on.

            I whip around and see Leah. "Leah" I muttered. She said nothing.

            "Leah please don't. Our parents are trying to sleep and frankly I am exhausted." I admit taking a drink of my bottle of water

            "How could you Seth?" She asked in a motherly tone with her arms crossed over her chest.

            "Seth, a vampire disgusting!" She scowls and I growled

            "Don't talk about Lacey like that. She is my imprint and I love her unconditionally" I argued and she rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to stay something else, but I just brushed right past her and walked upstairs.

            Early that morning my bedroom light was turned on.

            "C'mon Seth we need to talk" I heard a female voice and knew it was Leah. I groaned and reluctantly got up following her down stairs. I looked at the microwave and it said 6.

            "Couldn't this wait for like I don't know a later time?" I complained

            "Because of you I haven't been able to sleep so don't complain to me baby brother" She retorted and I said nothing. We walked from our driveway to the woods and in the middle of them we stopped

            "Okay Leah, what is it?" I asked

            "That day she healed you, you had imprinted didn't you, but you lied because you knew what this would do?" She asked and I nodded slowly. Why did she have to wake me up if she already knew what has gone on.

            "All night I've been up thinking about telling Sam" She says and my eyes go wide

            "Leah-" I started and she put her hand up "-let me finish, but I decided not to. That I won't, Even though I do not like the idea that you have imprinted on a blood sucking leech I shouldn't be the one to take her away from her. All I know is that you better not be with her in front of me or I will bite your head off and hers too" She says with a small smile and at that moment I saw the old Leah. The person she was before Sam broke her heart, before we became shape shifters and had to be in Sam's pack. When her and I used to be close. I lean in for a hug and she hugs me right back.

            "So who all knows?" She asked with her eyebrows raised

            "Jake, Embry and Quil" I said and she laughed a bit

            "Of course. Well let's get home" She said swinging her arm around my shoulder and we walked back together laughing and joking around the whole walk back home.

Imprinted on the Enemy (Seth Clearwater Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant