Chapter 13

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            As Jasper walked in first with me on his back and Alice was right behind us. Hopping in every other step. I turned around and saw her and laughed. Once we were fully inside Jasper put me inside and everyone rushed to me.

            "Ohh my gosh Lace you're okay. We were all so worried" Rosalie said and I rolled my eyes putting my hand up to her telling her to stop

            "Save it. Nobody was really worried other than these two. Nobody, but Jasper at the time stood up for me. So don't go and start that bullshit with me" I said angrily.

            That's when Carlisle stepped up. "Well you're home now, that's all that matters" He said with a smile. I said nothing, but pushed past him and ran to my room. I turned on the music to Tori Kelly-Dear No one. I started singing along even though I have a terrible voice and sound like a dying dog. Then someone knocked at my door.

            "Leave me alone" I shouted while throwing a stuffed bear at my door. It hit it with a loud bang.

            "Geez Lace, get angry why don't you" The person said and laughed, Jasper

            "Right, trying to knock down the door" Another voice answered, Alice

            "Come in"  I told them and the door opened and in walked a southern vampire along with a pixie haired vampire.

            "What do you guys want?" I asked while texting on my phone.

            "We can't visit our favorite sister?" Jasper gasped acting like he was offended. Both Alice and I laughed.

            "How are you?" Alice asked. I knew what she was talking about. Since I had that teeny weeny blow out in the kitchen

            "Mad." I simply replied with. Alice nodded, understanding where I was coming from. That's when Edward walked in and all three of us groaned.

            "Get. Out." I growled at Edward. He said nothing and just stood standing in my room for a couple of minutes before he finally spoke and all hell broke loose even worse than it was before.

            "Lacey, I can't believe you. Wait actually I can you have always run from your problems" Edward said with a smirk. I thought he was dine talking, but he wasn't. "You never face your own problems and it seems like you are always trying to get us killed. Sometimes I wonder if you really want to be in this family" Edward finished and I was up in his face in a millisecond.

            "Don't ever question my loyalty to this family. Secondly, I have never put us in danger! I have always been the quiet one. I never said anything to anyone. I have never had a blood singer! I never stalked them every minute of everyday and watched them sleep! I never told them about us unlike you! I don't have someone that I have to have my whole family protecting them because I love them so much! Mine can protect himself! So don't start Edward. Just shut up and leave!" I screamed at him. That's when Jasper got up and held my arm.

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