Chapter 11

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Jasper’s POV

Once Lacey ran out of the house and into the woods I wanted to follow her, but I knew she needed her space.

“Look what you did Edward” I shouted at him

“Me it’s her!” He replied and I just shook my head

“Of course you won’t take responsibility for this you never do!” I shouted at the top of my lungs.

“Jasper, Edward is right” Emmett said agreeing with Edward.

“This said we’re supposed to be her family, be there for her, be happy for her and support whenever she needs anything. But it’s like you guys have all forgotten about that” I said and Esme gasps.


“I’m sorry Esme, but I don’t see you or Carlisle sticking up for Lacey. The only people I see sticking up for Lacey is Lacey and me.” I tell them and walk away walking upstairs to Alice’s and my room. I lay down on the bed and grab ‘The Catcher and Rye’ from the bookshelf and start reading the book.”Hey” I heard a female voice tell me and I knew it was Alice so I look up from the book

“Yes?” I asked her

“I just want to say I’m on Lacey’s side and your side. I do think that Lacey deserves happiness no matter where it's from” Alice spoke

“And why didn’t you speak up earlier during the chaos?” I asked in a respectful manner she shrugged her shoulders

“I just didn’t think it’d escalade that far, I’m sorry. You’re my husband I should always have your back just as you should always have mine” She told me with a smile. Since she was on the bed on her knees she leaned down and kissed me. I flipped her over and soon enough one thing led to another.

Seth’s POV

I was at Emily’s eating a muffin and laughing with the guys when I felt something weird. It was like my heart was hurting and my stomach just had a complete knot in it. I felt like I could be dying. The boys noticed

“Seth, what’s wrong?” Paul asked taking a bite of a blueberry muffin

“You okay sweetie?” Emily asked sweetly and I nodded

“Yeah, I’m fine” I replied as calm as I could. That’s when my phone vibrated on top of the table and before any of the other guys could read it I read the text.

Meet me at Forks High School. Now” It read it was from Lacey.

“I’m not feeling very well so I’m gonna go home be back later for the bonfire” I told everyone and everyone just nodded and said okay they didn’t even stop stuffing their faces as they said it. As I was leaving the house I saw Jared, Quil and Jake walking to the house

“Where you going Seth?” Jake asked

“Home” I replied and started to jog into the woods. I ran all the way to Forks High which was about a five minute run. I looked around the bare parking lot since it was a Sunday and I saw her appear out of the trees. She ran to me and was in front of me in a matter of seconds. She hugged me tightly and I returned the hug almost as tight

“What’s wrong?” I asked. I know her something was wrong for her wanting to meet this way.

“It’s my family” She whispered.

“What about them?” I was confused. What went wrong with her and her family?


After the fight with my family            I called the only person I wanted to talk to at that moment, well more like texted but the same idea. I texted Seth and told him to meet me at Forks High. I knew no one would be there since it was a Sunday afternoon. I waited in the bushes until Seth arrived. He got there about 7 minutes after I texted him. Once I saw him I ran up to him and immediately gave him a huge tight hug.

“What’s wrong?” He asked me

“It’s my family” I whispered.

“What about them?” he looked at me completely confused by my statement because I would have been too if I were him.

“We had a huge fight” I told him. His eyes softened and he lightly kissed my forehead.

“I’m sorry Lacey. What was said?” He asked with curiosity

“Well Edward and Jasper got into a real physical altercation which broke plenty of things; None of them are happy for me only Jasper is happy for me and defends me. Then before I left I told them I don’t know what would be worse being dead or still living there” I said as I looked down at the ground. At that moment I despised my family. How can they not want me happy at least? Who cares who is making me happy why does it even matter who or what is making me happy.

“You didn’t mean that did you?” Seth asked

I shrugged my shoulders “I don’t know. They’ve been giving me shit for the past couple of weeks because of you. It’s annoying they don’t want us together.”

“Lacey, they’re your family. You can’t just abandon them.”

“Seth, listen to me I love you. I don’t care what they say I want to be with you!”

“That’s the imprint talking, Lace”

“I don’t care. You’re a great guy, they need to learn how to deal because honestly I’m going to be with you forever. They can’t just get rid of you and as far as protecting myself from the Pack I’ll do what I got to do. We have Jake, Embry and Quil and even Jasper. So it’s okay Seth. I love you” I told him as I hold his face in my hands. He grabs his hands with my hands and pulled them down to his chest.

“And I love you too” We kissed softly on the lips. I smiled into the kiss and then so did Seth as he pulled away.

“You need to go fix things”

I chuckled a humorless chuckle. “If I go back I am going to shank Edward. I will rip off his head send it over the treaty line and let your Pack have a fun game of vampire ball” I told him deeply

He shivered “That’s scary” He admitted and my face then cracked into a smile

“Yeah I can.”

“I’ve gotta go because I have shift soon and I lied and said I was going home and if Leah finds out I wasn’t home or the Pack does they’re gonna question me and well than I'll be in deep trouble”

“Okay, bye babe” I told him kissing him on the cheek and walking away with human speed that time.

-New chapter hope you guys liked it. Check out Superstar another Seth Love Story I have written

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