Chapter 3

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Daily check in, how are you??

There may be a possibility that I get quarantined even longer if my brother tests positive on Monday, yay. Covid is becoming a real bitch.
I'd like to go back to school sometime.


I knocked on the door, my hand nervously clutching around the handle of my duffel bag. I take a deep breath, allowing the scent of sweaty boys to hit my nose. I definitely did not miss that part about home.
The door opened, and I saw her face.

"Hi, mom."
She wrapped her arms around me as she cried. I hadn't been home in over a year.

"Oh, my dear Nadja."

"Camille, qui est à la porte?" (Camille, who's at the door?) A familiar voice asks in French.

"Damien, it's Nadja." My mother smiles. My dad shows up behind her.

"Father." He gives me a hug. "I've missed you."

"Me too, fille." (Daughter.)
They allow me inside the house, and I set down my bag. The thunder of feet made me jump. The boys began piling into the entryway from the kitchen. My parents had a large house, considering it was the pack house. None of them lived here though. Just my parents, my siblings, and now me.

"Je t'avais dit qu'elle reviendrait." (I told you she'd be back.) Marco laughed.

"Marco." My father said. Marco's laughing stopped, and he gave me a genuine smile.

"It's nice to have you back, Nadi."

Marco is the best friend of my ex boyfriend, Liam.
We have a large pack, one of the largest and strongest ever known. Over three hundred pack warriors, most of them are males. I was the first girl to ever shift in the pack. I was eleven.

"Clementine, Bastien, Genevieve! Get down here your sister's here!" My mother yells. Two of my little siblings come running down the stairs. Genevieve just walks with her arms folded across her chest. While Clementine and Bastien hug me, she doesn't and avoids eye contact.

"Okay, Gen, what's wrong?" I ask.

"You're going to leave to go to the US, for what? You had it great here but when you turned seventeen you thought you'd just leave and go to a whole other country across the world. Never once bothered to call for over a year, Nadja. You could've called." Genevieve storms back upstairs and a few seconds later the sound of a door being slammed is heard.

"Sorry for her." Clementine says.

"So, you're thirteen now? Wow. You're really growing up buddy." I speak to Bastien. He's gotten tall. Almost as tall as me, and I'm eighteen.

"What are you doing back Nadi? Liam's gonna flip when he sees you." Beau says. Marco hits his arm.

I laugh at Marco. Beau is one of the pack warriors. Most of them are in this room. The best of the best get the advantage to come into the pack house on a daily basis. But the other wolves are allowed to enter upon occasion.

"Well I, uh, I don't really wanna talk about it. You know?"

"Yeah I get it. We're glad you're back, we've missed ya. You were one of the best fighters. We really coulda used ya for combat training." Marco replies.
I look over to notice two short pack members. And to my surprise, they were girls. I recognized them instantly.

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