Chapter 36

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I didn't work today so I had time to write this after binging dance moms. Not watching season 8 cause it's not the original girls in the cast.
There will only be a few more chapters of this story. The last chapter will be a fast forward and it'll be the baby grown up. This chapter is three months later.


We all stood around Jacob, containing our excitement as Renesmee came out of the tree line in a beautiful soft blue floral mini dress with a white flower crown over her long, curled, dark brown hair. Renesmee is such a beautiful girl, and she's grown wonderfully. I still remember her being that small, quiet, child with Bella's dark chocolate brown eyes that morphed into a hazel and dark hair.
The sun poked out of the cloudy sky and brightened the slightly dark atmosphere. Jacob smiled as he looked at his imprint with admiration and love. The two always brightened any room they walked into together and anyone could just feel the love they had for one another.

"What's this?" She laughed.

"This is a special day that I finally do what I've wanted to do for months," Jacob responded as he got down on one knee. "I'm asking you, Renesmee Carlie Cullen, to marry me."

"Of course I will!"
We erupted into cheers. Little Renesmee is a grown up human-vampire hybrid, the miracle daughter conceived when her mother was human by a vampire, and is getting married to the wolf who imprinted on her. While it is awkward to think of the past how Jacob was head over heels for Renesmee's mother Bella and he imprinted on her as a baby, we know it's Renesmee he's meant to be with. Months ago Jacob came to Bella, Edward, and I and asked for our blessings to propose to Renesmee, which we all approved of. It's the perfect day, in the perfect place, with the most perfect couple.
He chose my beach idea, who wouldn't? The beach is beautiful. And romantic.

I'm now as big as a watermelon, and am almost done with my pregnancy. Which also means Edward and I get to move into our house he, Jasper, and Emmett had built for us here soon. I appreciate the love and help my family has provided, especially Edward. We've been able to have enjoyable moments with each other and the entire family. Now for the news that would shock the entire world into silence, Paul and I have been getting along.
There hasn't been an argument between us for like five weeks. We do occasionally insult each other but we are actually realizing we are kind of similar and we've had polite conversations. I haven't had any calls from Samuel about the pack which I honestly think is good, because that means there's nothing to report to me. Xavier has been staying with us, because I've had an unusual draw to him since he returned from his thought-to-be death.

We got back to the house and celebrated the future of Renesmee and Jacob.
"I'm happy for you two," I smiled at them.

"I have a confession to make, my future bride." Renesmee's smile then turned into a confused frown.
"Your moms and dad knew since I first thought about this."

"I thought you were going to say you cheated or had second thoughts or something," she laughed.


My phone rang and I set down my drink, which was blood, and answered it.

"Hey, it's Pierre."

"Hey! What's up?"

"Um, I have to talk to you. It's important. I'm on the way there, I flew in and landed in Seattle thirty minutes ago. I got a rental and I'm making my way to Forks and to the Cullen residence."

"Well that's unexpected, not that I'm complaining about getting a visit from my best friend but... you kind of sound panicky." There was silence for a few moments, and Edward sent me a confused look. Finally, he said something.

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