Chapter 10

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I can't believe I'm almost at 200 reads on this book, and I just now reached the tenth chapter. Thank you all so much.

Did anyone else not hear a thing about a fourth Hotel Transylvania movie? Cause I sure as hell didn't so my uncle is taking me to watch it Thursday.
I swear Phoebe is so prettyyyyy 😭



I jumped awake, startled by the sudden screaming. I slapped my intruders shoulder and got a loud 'ow!' When I recognized the familiar face, my fright eased but my anger did not.
"What the hell Pierre?!"

"I love you too babe, anyways, get your ass up we have things to do today." He replies. Just then had I noticed Camille and Julia standing in the doorway with slight smirks on their faces. I groaned, and rolled out of bed, plopping onto the floor.
"No need to be so dramatic," Pierre complained. He locked our hands together and pulled me up off the floor and pushed me in the direction of the bathroom. I rolled my eyes, and closed the door. When I looked at myself in the mirror.. I was horrified.

My long brown hair was a complete bird nest and my eyes were red and puffy. I hopped in the shower, and allowed myself to relax under the intense heat.
When I finished showering, I got dressed and joined my three vampire friends in the foyer.

"There she is," Julia says, "all hail her royal highness."
I roll my eyes but laugh nonetheless.

"Bow to me, peasants." I say in a fake British accent.

"Her royal blackness," Pierre jokes. We all laughed, and then I was being pushed outside to a large black SUV.

"This is how a horror movie starts, the girl gets trafficked and kidnapped by monstrous inhumane beings and then ends up dying."

"Stop being an idiot Hope and get in the damn car," Camille rolls her eyes. I mirror her actions, and she pushes me into the car. Literally.

"Ow!" I yell when my head hits the top of the car.

"Should've cooperated," Julia replies with a shrug of her pale shoulders. I glared at her, and allowed Pierre to hijack me.
I annoyed all of them by asking every five seconds where they were taking me. And much to my surprise, Julia pulled out duck tape and taped my mouth shut. I felt highly betrayed by what I called my best friend years ago. However, I used my fangs to rip holes through the tape, and then ripped that shit off.

After a while of driving, we found ourselves in downtown Paris. It was night, so it was almost pitch black aside from the streetlights, shops, and the Eiffel Tower. The city was illuminated brightly but the sky held that black darkness with shiny stars that were hardly visible due to the city's own lights.
Pierre stopped the car in front of a cafe, and we all exited the car.

"How the hell did she get her tape off?" Pierre groaned.

"Because I'm both a vampire and a wolf with a working brain. You forget vampires have fangs love."
He rolls his eyes and we enter the cafe. Why they brought me here, I have no damn idea. I was tired honestly, it was almost midnight and usually I was asleep by this time. Although as a vampire I could adjust to not sleeping for at least forty-eight hours, that doesn't mean I don't feel drowsy.

"Four pumpkin spice lattes," Pierre said nicely to the waitress. She left our table and went to the back, presumably to get our orders ready.

"Aww, you still remember," I coo with a smile.

"Of course," he replies as he kisses my hand. Pierre and I's friendship has always been like this, and I think what made it more funny and enjoyable was that Xavier never cared. He knew that even though he and I were a thing, that one: it was him and I. And two: neither of them were my true mate and that was the only thing Xavier would leave me for. Was that if I had found my meant-to-be-forever.
The waitress came back with our delicious looking lattes, and we thanked her.

"Glad you dressed spicily, cause we're going to a club after this," Camille smirked. I wouldn't call it spicy, I'd call it my usual attire. I was in black skinny jeans with a black and white lace bralette, a leather jacket, and wore black heeled boots.
But I was excited to go clubbing. It's been decades since I hung out with these three, let alone went clubbing. Yeah I'd go to a few bars here and there but I never fully enjoyed myself. And when I'm with friends and people I trust, it's easy for me to lose myself in moments and enjoy the present.
I would no longer be the abominable hybrid, the disappointment to my parents and family or my pack, a girl with a sad backstory and a dead ex boyfriend, I was none of those things. I wasn't even Nadja. I was Hope, seemingly human Hope.

We arrived at the club and instantly flinched from the loud music booming from the inside. Vampire hearing made us sensitive to loud sounds, adding on my werewolf side and it was a hundred times the sound than what original vamps and wolves hear. Once we were wasted the music would no longer be a problem. Well, I could get wasted.
I kinda forgot they're vampires, and the only thing they could possibly get drunk off of was blood. Vampires don't eat or drink human things.

"You're lucky Hope, I miss my human days when I could go to a bar and be able to get drunk off vodka and other alcohol," Camille pouted as she downed her shot of blood. There were vampire nightclubs, wolf nightclubs, or human ones with both species working there in alliance. We were at a human one.
I just got finished downing my twentieth shot of whiskey when I suddenly jumped. My phone began ringing.

"I'll be right back," I told the others. I got up from my place at the bar, and exited the club. I walked through the parking lot, getting far away enough from humans to answer the phone.

I froze. I was so in shock I didn't notice anyone coming up behind me until my three friends made themselves visible by going around my still figure and standing in front of me with confused expressions on their faces. I shook myself out of my shocked state.

"Carlisle." I tried to hide the surprise from my voice, but I'm quite sure he caught it.
"To what do I owe the displeasure?"

"Hope," he sighed, sounding as if he was hurt by my words, which didn't make a lot of sense to me since they were all mad that I lied to them. "We need you back here. We went through with the plan, got Renesmee, sedated Bella. Soon enough we're going to have to face the Volturi. Alice left us a note, her and Jasper left. The note's for you."

"Carlisle, you know why I can't."

"But you can. The wolves all agree, this is what's best. You can come back."
It was a tough decision, and I don't even know why I found myself considering it. I should've put my foot down and declined the offer immediately but I didn't. Instead, I found myself standing there silently, thinking about it as I fought an internal war with myself.

I heard shuffling, and then a pleading voice that broke my heart. "Please, come back to me Hope."
It was Edward. My insides shattered, hearing him begging for me to return. I knew why I couldn't, but there were so many reasons why I could and should. And those reasons didn't all have to do with protecting Renesmee.

"I'm on my way," I say determinedly. I hung up without another word, fearing whatever someone said next would break me entirely and make me change my mind. So I ended the call and looked up to my friends, who all looked confused, but understanding.

"Go, he needs you." Camille softly smiled at me. I gave my three friends hugs, and we drove back to my place. I told them they were welcome to stay whenever and however long they liked, even though I wouldn't be there. I packed everything and got on the first flight back to Washington, United States.

I took a deep breath as I took my seat on the plane, because I was worried about so much more than just jet lag.

So Hopes going home. Well, it isn't home to her yet.
How do you think things will play out for her?? How will everyone react to seeing her face again?

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