Chapter 37

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^^ the picture above is Xavier, portrayed by Dominic Sherwood, just imagine him with the same amber colored eyes as the Cullens.


"I think there is something you need to know."

She frowned, "Please, no more bad news."

"Well, I don't really know how you're going to take it so I have to tell you anyway. How you see it depends on if it's good or bad."


"Xavier is Grayson's mate."


"Can you bring Xavier in here please?" Edward nodded, and left to go get him. I looked down at my baby boy and smiled. Edward returned, and Xavier followed behind him with a shamed expression, almost as if he was afraid I'd hurt him. Relax Xav, I'm not Bella.

"Hope. You look.. well, better."

I laughed, "Thank you. Edward here tells me you're my son's mate." He looked down at the floor.
"Xavier look at me," and he did so I continued, "I'm not angry. If my son is who you're meant to be with then so be it. As long as he is happy, I am happy. I will support you both to the end. However, I do have a concern. He's a baby, and depending on his growth rate, will be a child for many years Xavier."

"Hope, I'm not like that, you know that. When he comes of age, I will let him have his own say, and I will not have any romantic relationship with him until he is of age. I love him already Hope, and I will always love him no matter how old he is and no matter in what way I have to love him. I swear I will protect Grayson with everything I am, and always stand by him."

"You really do love my son," I smiled. "Okay, I approve. Oh, and please don't tell him about our past? The last thing I want is my son to reject you because you had a thing for his mother."

"Yes ma'am." I appreciate Xavier defending the situation involving my son, it shows me that he really is devoted to protecting him and loving him, even if it means just being a friend or protector. And I trust Xavier, I know he would never do anything to harm Grayson.

"Here," I said as I handed Grayson over to Xavier. My eyes widened for a moment and I quickly sat up, ignoring the pain. "Samuel. Edward grab me my phone."
Edward handed me my phone and I dialed Samuel.

"Hey Hope," he said sadly.

"Samuel, I'm so sorry. Are you alright??"

"My mate."
Dear god.

"I swear, I will kill him if it's the last thing I do." To say I'm angry, is an understatement. My blood was boiling. I risked mine and my unborn son's life when I went to Paris to stop the wolves that were rioting and attacking, the wolves who were responsible for killing Dakota. And it feels like I did that for nothing, because now they're all dead. It's a miracle Samuel was able to even remain alive.

"Don't waste your time, Hope," Samuel sighed. "I'm going to leave France. I don't know exactly where I'm going to go but I'm leaving. I was going to bury them all in the cemetery and then I'm going."

"No. They don't deserve to be in the cemetery, they deserve a better farewell. I'm going to fly to Paris, and we'll find an appropriate, beautiful place, to either sail them off in the water on shafts with small memorials or to bury them."

"Are you sure you can fly at eight months pregnant?"

"Actually, my son is here. So yes, I can, and I will."

"Hope," Edward said.

"No, I have to do this, Edward. I know you don't understand, but they deserve this from me. I owe it to them to put them to rest in the right way."


"Xavier, Grayson should stay here with all of you. In case we encounter Pierre, I don't want my newborn son to be there."
And so, we booked a flight and left. We didn't pack anything, because we don't plan on staying the night in Paris. We're going to land, plan a location and what we're going to do with those who are dead, do it, and then leave.


We landed and got a rental. Edward and I made our way to the pack's land, and when we got there, Samuel was waiting for us on the porch. He looked worse than Pierre did when he showed up the other night.
I got out of the car and hugged him.

"I'm so, so sorry," I cried. "I was supposed to protect them. It's my fault they're dead, and I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." He said then pulled away. "I found a place I think you're going to like. Plage de Dieppe is a beach in Dieppe, France, about three hours from here. It's on the English Channel, which opens Southwest to the Atlantic. I know you love the beach, so I figured it'd be perfect, you know?"

"Alright, let's do it."

We drove the three hours in a large UHaul truck with the bodies wrapped in the back. We had to do this before citizens and tourists started piling up. There was a canal-like poolish place Far East of the beach that had two rocky cliffs on the sides of it that opened to the English Channel so we began setting up shafts made of wooden logs and sending off the dead wolves of the Allaire-Monet pack. The children were deaths that I took harder than the others. But I did it anyway, and we set the shafts on fire, so that people didn't just find a bunch of memorial shafts swimming around, as they were taken out of the pool by the current.
It was painful to watch, but I knew they needed this. I owe them so much more, but this was at least something.

"It was nice seeing you Hope. This is goodbye," Samuel said after we returned to what once was the land that belonged to those lost. We hugged, and then Edward and I left to go get on a flight back home.


It's been a really long day, and Hope passed out when we got on the plane. She slept pretty much the entire way home.
I was proud of what she has done for that pack, even if she felt like a failure. She risked hers and Grayson's lives by going to Paris when rioting wolves were getting violent and killed the former leader.

We made it back home, and Grayson was starting to not look like a newborn, he looks about the age Renesmee was when she met Bella for the first time, which was a couple days after her birth.
"He's been growing like Renesmee," Carlisle told us when we had gotten back.

"That's okay, at least I know he'll be around for a long while," Hope smiled. She spent hours with him, and I had finished the nursery at the house Jasper and Emmett had assisted me in building.

I've come a long way from when I first turned and left Carlisle. I was a monster, feeding on anyone who was alone in the darkness. I've spent years feeling guilty, scared of myself, and all of that changed when I met Bella and then Renesmee came into my life. Then I met Hope, and I was able to accept what I had done, and move forward. I became a better person because of my mate and my daughter. I have people to live for now, I have a meaning, a purpose. And that only purpose is my family. I will do right by them, I vowed that the day Renesmee was born, and I vow that to my son as well.

Y'all, one more chapter 😭 This book is literally going to be finished TODAY. It's only noon, I still have half a day and that's enough time to write the final chapter. Oh my gosh, 38 chapters in total. That's pretty good, even though it isn't the amount of chapters I wanted, but I was running low on ideas so it's coming to an end.

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