Chapter 26

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This story blew up faster than flames did and we're not even at 30 chapters yet. Damn. Thank you guys so much

Is school out for you yet?


"What the hell? No."

"To be fair, I wasn't asking you, Paul."

"You're thinking of leaving two packs and a coven that have welcomed you! Have protected you. Stood beside you. Accepted you. Fought for you! Hope, have you grown insanely mad?"

"I understand Paul, and as I said, I didn't ask you."
I know they're upset but I wish they were a little more understanding.
"You guys don't understand. Paris is my home. France is my home. And you're asking me to abandon it, to abandon Yvette and Henri, and all of my vampire friends from Paris, to fend for themselves. There will be a war! I will not allow the legacy of my family to go down in flames."

"Hope we do understand, but we're your home too," Edward says sadly.

"I'm not running away like I did last time Edward. You know who you married. But you are asking too much of me, you're asking me to allow a coven and a pack to go to war. Lives will be lost Edward. I've protected Renesmee since she was three days old. All I ask of you is to let me stop all of the bloodshed."

"If you claim them as your pack Hope, you will have to remain in Paris," Jake says.

"Then come to Paris with me!"

"It's not that simple. What about our families?" Paul sneered.

"And what about mine?! I'm not giving up on them. I became a disgrace to my family when I became a hybrid. I've always worried that my parents were looking down on me and were ashamed to have me as their daughter. A hybrid, a wolf crossed with their worst enemy. I worried that they saw me as their enemy. Every Allaire-Monet wolf is dead, and I'm the only one remaining. It is my birthright. And no one is alive to stop a vampire from claiming alpha."

"Hope-" Jake tried.

"No. End of discussion. I talked it out, I argued my reasons, and all of you refused to listen. So now I'm refusing. I'm leaving for Paris with my husband and I am going to be alpha. A hybrid queen. All my life I lived in fear of vampires and wolves finding out about me. Now there's no one to report me to the Volturi, because they've accepted who I am. Either join us, or stay here. And I will kill anyone who tries to stand in my way."
I walked out of the house to get some fresh air before Edward and I's departure. I shifted and ran throughout the woods in the same path I always take. And it ended at the same place every time, the beach. I always found it calming. The wind, the satisfying sounds of the waves crashing along the shore and the rocks of the cliff where the wolves would cliff dive from, and the slight darkness of the clouds looming over.

Being at the beach always gives me time to think to myself. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be in my own head right now, but I was finally alone in peace and quiet. So I laid back, closed my eyes, and listened. I felt peace, I felt calm. The conversation with my friends and family heated me up and made me feel so angry. I wasn't even worried about that right now.


"Edward you have to talk to her," Paul argued.

"Paul we've tried. She's made up her mind, and as her husband, and her mate, I support whatever she chooses even if I don't agree with it. I'm sorry but there's no changing her mind."

"She's insane!"

"Paul!" Sam growled. "If this was our pack, we'd all feel the same way. If I died, and the only one left to claim this pack was Jake, he'd do so in a heartbeat. As I would for him. We can't keep Hope from her birthright, that's not our way. And you certainly don't have the right to stop her. Unless, you want to end up dead. Your rivalry has gone all the way back to when she first arrived. If you're jealous then just be jealous. Don't be an ass. She's a queen by birth, by blood. Know your place."
I admired Sam for his power of authority and intelligence. He knows how to lead.

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