Chapter 31

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Who can remember which Twilight movie and scene this photo is from?


It's been almost a week since Edward and I got back, and our family has grown increasingly frustrated with trying to find out information about my pregnancy. With all Carlisle and Edward had learned from Bella's, almost nothing applied to me. I'm not turning pale, I'm not feeling sick nor do I look like death, and I haven't begun showing yet. This has done nothing but put Edward on edge. I think it would bring him peace to know everything would go as it did with Bella, besides dying, but nothing ever goes the way we want it to.
I'm currently lying on a little adjustable chair thingy like you'd find in a dentist office. Popular opinion, I hate the dentist.

"Everything seems to be normal, as it had this entire week. From the looks of it I think she's going to have a normal pregnancy, a human one," Carlisle said to Edward and I as he turns away from a screen that shows an x-ray of my abdomen.

"Maybe because she's a wolf? But then why wouldn't Bella being human do the same to her? Wolves are human." Edward asked him.

"Nothing like this has ever happened before so I really can't say. Hybrids have never been known to exist, let alone a hybrid of vampire and werewolf."
Carlisle gave us a small smile and left the room.

"You can stop worrying now," I chuckled. "I'm going to be fine."

"I'm your husband, it's my job to worry." Edward took my hand in his and softly kissed it.
"I've been thinking about something, and I want your honest opinion."

"Oh dear you're scaring me," I said sarcastically.

"Shut up," he rolls his eyes. "I was thinking what if we get a house put out here a little ways away and live away from the family?"


"She and Jacob will be on their own eventually, but it brings me peace knowing she'll be around for a long time. I'm sure I can live a few yards away from my daughter."

"If that's something you want," I shrug.

"It is what I want. To be with you for eternity and if we're going to have a baby then it's only right that we get a place of our own. I probably would've done that with Bella and Ness had we not worried so much about the Volturi."

"Then I guess you're building a house."

"Why not 'we'?"

"Unlike you honey, I get tired. And I'm doing enough work by carrying your unborn daughter."

"Daughter?" Edward raised his eyebrow as he sat down in Carlisle's stool beside me.

"It's just a guess. You already have Renesmee but I feel like it's a girl."

"Have you thought of baby names yet?" Edward laughed.

"Oceane Camilla Cullen for a girl. Oceane is French and means ocean, and Camilla I got from my mother named Camille. For a boy I'm thinking about Grayson Anthony Cullen. Grayson is just cute and Anthony is your middle name."

"I like Oceane, it's different. And it would make another daughter's name as unique as Renesmee's," he chuckled.

"Don't get too attached, I know for sure when I actually see her or him, my mind will be made up. I might change my options."


The weather today in Forks is very cloudy, and is supposed to storm. Emmett thought this would be perfect weather to play baseball, but almost everyone decided against that. Apparently, before I came along, they tried that and ended up running into three vampires, all of whom tried to kill Bella.
James wanted blood, Victoria wanted revenge for her mate, James' death, and Laurent, whom I know, allowed blood lust to defy Victoria and decided to kill her himself. Laurent is a vampire who was born and raised in France and changed in the 1740s. Also, he was mated to Irina, which explains why she dislikes the wolves considering they're the ones who killed him.
So baseball was decided against.

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