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"What? No no no, tha- that's impossible. After we floated out of the ambulance, all we did was go to that weird dark room where Alex cried." The guy in the leather jacket said, making the guy in pink look over at him.

"Wha- I don't, I think we were all pretty upset. Ok."

"But that was just for like, an hour. We just showed up here." The shaggy haired guy said.

"Look. I'm just telling you what my phone says." Julie said back to the ghost boys. "See? You died in 1995, when you were 17. it's now 2020."

"So this is the future?" The leather jacket guy said in shock and amazement.

"Wait. So... so it has been 25 years? I have been crying for 25 years! How is that possible!" Pink hoodie exclaimed, making Aurora hide a laugh.

"You're a very emotional person." The leather jacket guy replied as he put his hand on pink hoodies shoulder.

"I am not!"

"Thought you were afraid to come out here." Carlos, Julie's little brother said as he walked into the studio. "You talking to your ghost friend? How does he look? Is he hideous?"

"He can see you." The guy in the pink laughed slightly.

"No he can't." Aurora said, making Carlos look over at her.

"Woah. You're pretty. Who are you?" Carlos asked as he confidently walked over to Aurora and held his hand out. "I'm Carlos. It's a pleasure to be in your company."

Aurora looked over at Julie in amusement, seeing her trying to hold in a laugh. "I'm Aurora, and I'm also too old for you Petit mec." Aurora said with a laugh as she shook his hand.
(Little dude)

"Eh, age is just a number. Just wait until I'm taller." Carlos said to Aurora, before turning to face his sister as she spoke to him.

"What do you want?"

"A normal sister for starters, and for you to bring Aurora here more often. Stop being weird and come eat." Carlos said as he walked out of the studio, not before throwing a dramatic wink over at Aurora.

"He's adorable, why can't you be as cute as him?" Aurora asked Julie with a laugh.

Julie just whacked Aurora round the head, making her curse loudly. "Ça fait mal, idiot!"
(That hurt, idiot!)

"He couldn't see you." Julie said as she ignored Aurora's complaining.

"Well, yeah. That's usually how ghosts work." The guy know as Alex said.

"Look. I'm very sorry for what happened to you guys, but this isn't your studio anymore. You have to leave. Aurora would agree with me." Julie said as she dragged Aurora towards the studio doors.

"But wait... we didn't get your name." The shaggy haired boy said to Julie. "We already know that she's Aurora now, thanks to your brother."

"It's Julie."

"Cool. I-I'm Luke-" Luke's sentence for cut off as Julie held her cross out in front of her when Luke tried to walk closer to her. "By the way. And this is..."

"Reggie. I'm Reggie, hey." Reggie said with a wave. Aurora thought that the name suited him well.


"Alex. How's it going?" Alex said after Luke gestured for him to speak. "Ba-da." He did jazz hands.

"Okay." Julie said as she grabbed Aurora's hand and led them both out of the studio.

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