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Julie and Flynn had to leave eventually as it got late, and the boys went with them. They all promised that they would visit her the next day. Julie also told her that if she got to leave the hospital early, to give her dad a call as he wouldn't mind picking her up.

When Aurora woke up the next morning, she woke up to her phone ringing. She saw that it was Flynn, and she answered the phone. The girls were both in school and wanted to check up on her, which Aurora thought was sweet. She told them that she was okay and that she loved them, before telling them to get to their classes, which Flynn wasn't too happy about.

Aurora was sketching most of the day, seeing as she was bored and there was nothing else to do. Although, when the nurse came in, it meant she at least had someone to talk to.

"Come in." She said when the nurse knocked on the door.

"Hi sweetheart." The nurse said as she walked through the door. She was an older lady, but Aurora liked her. "How are you feeling today?"

"I'm okay. My shoulder is still sore, but not as much as yesterday." Aurora replied.

The nurse nodded her head at her. "Do you mind if I take a look?" She asked the girl, and Aurora nodded her head.

"Go ahead." Aurora told her as she sat down and took the sling off the girl, and then peeled off the bandage.

"Everything is looking good, your shoulder is healing nicely. I'd say that you don't need to wear the sling anymore, but you need to keep it bandaged for at least a couple of weeks. And you also need to change the bandage twice a day to stop the risk of infection. I'd say that we can check you out today if you'd like that."The nurse told her, making Aurora smile. She did not like the sling as it was uncomfortable and itchy.

"How's my mom?" Aurora asked the nurse, watching her as she put a new bandage on her shoulder.

"I was hoping you wouldn't ask me that yet, sweetheart." The nurse said to the young girl sadly, sitting on the edge of her bed and holding her hand. Aurora furrowed her eyebrows.

"What do you mean? Is she okay?" She asked worriedly.

"Sweetheart, your mother didn't make it through the night. The surgery went well, but she flatlined during the night in her sleep. She went peacefully." She told her sadly, rubbing the girls hand gently.


"What?" Aurora whispered shakily. The room that she was in stated to become blurry, and she could see the nurses lips moving, but she couldn't hear what she was saying. She could feel tears coming down her face, doing nothing to stop them. Her hands got all sweaty and she couldn't catch her breath.

The nurse instantly knew she was having a panic attack, and gently took both of her hands and rubbed them gently.

"Okay sweetheart, I need you to breathe with me okay? Look at me, and copy my breathing." Aurora looked at her and tried to copy her breathing, but she couldn't do it.

"Okay sweetheart, I want you to look around the room okay? And tell me 5 things you can see. Can you do that?"

Aurora nodded her head and looked around the room slowly. "Y-you, the bed, my sketchbook, a monitor a-and the floor." She whispered shakily and slowly, trying to catch her breath.

"Good job, and now what are four things that you can touch?"

"The sheets, your h-hands in mine, the pillow and my book a-again." She whispered between breaths.

"Three things you can hear?"

"Your voice, people talking and the monitor." She said as she started to be able to breathe a bit better, no longer feeling like her lungs would explode.

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