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Aurora decided she wanted to stay outside for a little while longer, as she enjoyed how peaceful it was out there. She grabbed the book that she left out there last time she was here, and started to read it from where she last stopped.

As she got through two chapters of 'Little Women', she heard a poof, making her look up to see Reggie sitting in the chair next to her.

"Hi mon rayon de soleil." Aurora said as she put her book down and smiled at Reggie.
(My ray of sunshine)

"What does that mean?" Reggie said as he smiled back.

"It means 'my ray of sunshine' because you remind me of the sun. Always bright and happy."

Reggie's smile somehow got bigger. He thought that Aurora could not get anymore adorable, but he was proven wrong.  "What are you doing?" He asked as he saw the book in her hand.

"I was reading, but I should head inside as it's getting late. You wanna come with? We can watch a movie or something." Aurora said as she put her book on the table and picked up the empty tea cups and tea pot. Reggie nodded his head and followed her into the kitchen as she put the cups and teapot in the sink, before heading up to her bedroom.

"Wait here, I'm just gonna get changed." Aurora said as she headed into the bathroom to get changed into her pyjamas. When she came out, Reggie was looking around room.

"Who's this?" He said as he pointed to a picture above her desk.

"That's my maman when she was younger. It's one of my favourite photos of her." Aurora said as she came and stood next to him.

As Aurora reached down to grab her laptop off her desk, her arm brushed against Reggie's, making them both freeze.

"D-did you just?" Reggie said in shock as he looked down at Aurora. She just nodded in return as she was confused on how that just happened.

Reggie reached out and slowly moved his hand towards her face. When his hand didn't go through her, he moved a piece of hair behind Aurora's ear, making her blush.

"How can I touch you but Julie cannot?" Aurora stumbled on her words, making Reggie smile down at her.

"I don't know. But we can figure it out tomorrow. Didn't you want to watch a movie?" Reggie said as he removed his hands from Auroras face, making her nod and grab the laptop.

"Come on, we can watch it on my bed." She said as she grabbed his hand with her free one and moved them over to her bed. "I was gonna watch 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2', but we can start with the first one if you'd like, so that you don't get confused?"

Reggie nodded his head and lay down on the bed as Aurora set up the movie, before putting the laptop in between them both.

Half way through the second movie, Reggie felt Aurora's head move into his shoulder. Looking down, he saw that she was asleep and he smiled to himself. He gently moved some hairs away from her face, before moving slowly so that she wouldn't wake up.

He closed the laptop and moved it to the side of her, then moving over to her desk to write on a post-it note and stick it on the laptop, before poofing back to the studio with a smile on his face.


When Aurora woke up the next morning, Reggie was gone. She turned over and saw her laptop with a sticky note on it. Picking it up, she saw that reggie had wrote a note.

You fell asleep, so I closed your laptop.
Sweet dreams Frenchie.
<3 Reggie.

Aurora blushed at the nickname. She smiled and walked over to her desk, sticking the note on the wall.

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