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At this moment in time, Julie was thankful that Aurora would leave her sketchbooks everywhere. She had managed to find one that the girl had left in the studio, and she grabbed it, along with a couple of pencils that she had found lying around the house. She ran up to her room to grab some clothes for Aurora to wear before looking for her dad.

She, along with the boys, were on their way to the hospital. After telling her dad what had happened, Ray immediately agreed to drop her off.

He told Julie to wish Aurora a speedy recovery from him and Carlos, before telling his daughter to ring him when she wants picking up.

Running up to the front desk with the boys following behind her, Julie stopped when the receptionist looked at her.

"Hi, what can I do for you?"

"Hi, I'm here to see Aurora Laurent?" Julie said with a small smile.

The receptionist just nodded her head. "Of course, and what's your relationship with her?"

"I'm her best friend." Julie said.

"That's fine." The receptionist nodded. "Okay, Aurora is in room 203."

"Thankyou!" Julie said before walking around the hospital, looking for room 203.


Aurora was scrolling through Instagram when she heard a knock on her door. "Come in."

"Rora!" She heard Julie say, before she was attacked in the biggest hug ever.

"Woah, Julie! I said I was okay!" Aurora giggled as she hugged her friend back. It was difficult to do so as her right arm was in a sling. Luckily for her though, she was left handed.

"Yeah, well you don't look okay." She heard Alex say. Aurora just playfully glared at him, making him chuckle.

"So, Red. What the hell happened? You were fine at the party." Julie said as she sat on the bottom of Aurora's hospital bed. Aurora sat up in the bed to make more room for Julie as the guys sat down in chairs by the bed.

"I was fine at the party, it was when I got home that everything went Merde." Aurora said with a shake of her head. "Okay, this is kind of a long story so I'll start from the beginning okay? You need the backstory to understand everything completely."

Julie and the boys just nodded.

"Maman met my father when he was travelling in France. He's originally from Oklahoma, and he liked travelling. They fell in love and he decided to move to France when they got married.

After getting married, he started to get very possessive over her, I just called it obsessive. He would always get angry if men even looked at her, and would say that she was 'too pretty' for her own good.

When she found out that she was pregnant with me, he had calmed down. He was just like the man that maman fell in love with, so she was happy.

After I was born, and my father saw that most of maman's attention had gone to me instead of him, he started to get possessive again. He would constantly belittle her, mentally abuse her until she believed that she was spending too much time with me.

When I got old enough that I could understand full sentences, my father started to mentally abuse me too. As I got older, the things he would say got worse and worse. My mom didn't know if was happening until she heard him say horrible things to me, and she snapped.

She and him had been fighting a lot at this point. I think I was around 10, and they had been fighting a lot before that. She had broke up with him, and wanted to get a divorce as she didn't want to be around him anymore.

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