twenty one☀️

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Julie was pacing in the studio, and Aurora just sat and watched, rubbing her shoulder as she did.

"Julie, they'll be fine." Aurora assured the girl, making Julie stop pacing for a moment to nod her head in agreement, then went back to pacing.

Aurora stood up off the couch and stood next to Julie when they both heard the sound of the guys poofing into the room.

"Oh my gosh! What took you guys so long? Did Willie do it? Julie questioned.

"Did you talk to the promoter? Did they watch the video? Did they like you guys?" Aurora said after Julie stopped for a breath.

"Are we playing? Can somebody answer me? Why is nobody saying anything?" Julie said as she and Aurora both took a breath.

"Woah! That's a lot of questions! Luke, do you wanna take this one?" Reggie said as he gestured to Luke to speak.

"Take a seat." Luke said to the girls. "It's fine, everything's fine." He said, making Aurora nudge Julie.

"Told you so." Aurora said, making Julie stick her tongue out at her. Aurora just copied her actions.

"Yeah. You should be getting a call right... now!" Alex said as he and the boys all pointed to a Julie's phone that was on the table.

But nothing happened.

"Okay. Right... now!" Alex tried again, but this time the phone rang. Julie screamed with excitement and the guys played it cool.

"Nailed it." Alex said cooly, holding his hand out for a high five, which Luke gave him one.

"Go!" Aurora and the guys all said to Julie, and gestured for her to answer the phone.

"Oh! Um." Julie cleared her throat before accepting the call. "Hello?"

Hi. This is Tasha from the Orpheum in Hollywood. Is this Julie of Julie and the Phantoms?

The guys all stood up and started dancing happily, and the girls jumped up on the couch and cheered.

"Shhh!" Julie shushed everyone, and picked up the phone and put it to her ear. "Yes. It is."

Hi. Are you available to open for us tonight?

"Yeah, totally!" Julie said as everyone was still cheering. Reggie ran over to the couch and picked Aurora up, lifting her off the couch and spinning her in a circle twice, and then put her on the ground.


"Thankyou so much!" Julie thanked Tasha.

See you then.

"We're doing it!" Julie said as Tasha hung up the phone. She jumped off the table and gave Aurora a hug, the both of them jumping around before releasing each other. She then grabbed Aurora's hand and pulled her up onto the table with her. "We're playing the Orpheum, baby! Yeah!"

Aurora laughed as she watched Luke and Reggie lift Alex into the air, above their heads.

"I'm swimming!"


"Are you ready?" Julie asked the guys as she and Aurora walked into the studio.

"What's wrong? Are you guys okay?" Aurora asked when she and Julie saw the guys faces.

"Yeah. We just got rocked pretty hard by one of those jolt things." Alex said as he and the guys walked over to the girls.

"Pretty sure i ghost peed a little." Reggie said, making Aurora scrunch up her nose at the boy.

"TMI, sunshine." Aurora said quietly, looking over at him.

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