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Girls night was fun. The girls did face masks, watched movies, and ate an excessive amount of ice cream.

Aurora left Flynn's house early as she had to go home and get some fresh clothes, and also feed her cat as her mother would have gone to work a lot earlier.

Aurora was only going to have a half day at school today, due to an art show that was happening later on in the evening. All the kids in the art program just had to go to school to set everything up in the hall, before they got to go home to make sure they had everything that they needed.

Aurora, like a lot of the other kids, preferred to do her art piece at home, as she had access to more equipment. There was a few kids who decided to stay in school, but Aurora said she'd rather meet everyone back at school at 6, as the art show starts at 7.

As Aurora was getting ready to leave, she saw Flynn and Julie leaving dance class, making Aurora call them over. "Julie! Flynn!"

The two girls turned their heads to see Aurora walking over to them with a smile on her face.

"What's got you all happy, red?" Flynn asked the french girl.

"Okay, so you know the art pieces I've been working on recently that I've not let anybody see? Well, you guys can see them tonight! There's an art show and I've got you two tickets if you want to come?" Aurora said as she handed the two girls the tickets. "It starts at 7 and finishes at 9, but you don't have to stay the whole time. And you don't have to come-"

Aurora was cut off by Julie's laughing. "Rora! We'd love to come! You can stop your nervous rambling now." Julie told the girl, who looked relieved.

"You'll come?" She questioned, getting a nod from both girls in response. "Okay, thankyou! I'm leaving school now to make some finishing touches for tonight. Oh! And also!" Aurora said as she handed Julie a piece of paper. "I've been working on some logo's for the band, now that you have a name. And I know that we're mad at the guys, and you basically quit, but can you choose which one is your favourite? I wanted to paint the front of Alex's drums as they still have the Sunset Curve logo on it."

Julie looked down at the logo's and picked the furthest one on the left. "I love this one." She said as she pointed to it, making Flynn agree with her choice. "You didn't have to do this for me, Aurora. Thankyou." Julie said as she hugged the french girl.

"You're welcome. And I just thought that since Flynn is your marketing team and basically your manager at this point, I could be your artist. You know, designing all your stuff once you make it big? Cause you will." Aurora said as she and Julie pulled away from the hug.

"Just re think the whole band thing over, please? I'm mad at the guys too, but they might have had a good reason. Don't quit before you've talked to them, okay? I don't want you to regret anything." Aurora said, before looking at the clock on the wall. "I have got to go, but I'll see you both tonight! Also, if you make up with the guys, you can bring them tonight too! Au Revoir!"

Now, Aurora, being who she is, has mostly completed her art work. She just has a few finishing touches to do. That being said, she went home, but not to finish her art work.

When she got home from school, she grabbed her art supplies and headed over to Julie's garage. She opened the doors and was thankful that the guys weren't there. This just made things easier for her.

She moved over to Alex's drums and started painting over the sunset curve logo, using a white paint as a base.

She realised that she probably should have asked if she could paint his drums, but she also wanted it to be a surprise. Once she had finished painting, she left a note on the coffee table, and left the studio.

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