2.9 Back to Hell

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WARNING: Disturbing content, non-con, sexual assault

This couldn't be happening. It's way too soon for this! I had only just escaped Bennett, but now he's back again! I just can't take this anymore!

As I crawled backwards, I started to panic as the helplessness started to kick in. "You're too cruel," I said as my voice came out weak. "You were going to pretend to be Nick to get closer to me, weren't you?"

Bennett rose to his feet as he slowly strolled towards me. "Why do you care?" Bennett asked. "It's not like you love him or anything, right?"

He was gaining in on me. "Because you know how mad that would make me, right?" Bennett's voice was slowly becoming irritated.

"You belong to me after all." Bennett grabbed a fistful of my hair causing me to yelp as I was abruptly brought up to my tippy toes. "So even thinking about other guys is forbidden, remember?"

I silently complied with a simple nod as tears filled my eyes. "Good girl," Bennett said as he planted my feet more firmly to the ground.

As Bennett gazed longingly at me, he held the back of my head firmly in the palm of his hand as his other traced my lips. "God, I missed you." Bennett purred.

Bennett's eyes hardened. "Did you miss me?" He asked playfully. I gave another terrified nod. If I say the wrong thing, I know he'll only hurt me. So, I have to suck up my pride and bend to his will. It's... dehumanising!

Bennett's mouth curled into a sly smile. "Don't worry, you won't ever have to be alone again."

Bennett leaned in closer as he trapped me in a deep and revolting wet kiss. As his tongue attacked mine relentlessly, it made me want to gag. He invaded every corner of my mouth; it was as if he was trying to deprive me of even breathing.

As my body started to grow faint, I tried to push him off me as my legs started to buckle. But he continued as the sound of the slobbery kiss echoed throughout the empty mall. It wasn't until he was completely satisfied that he broke off the kiss as a long string of saliva could be seen connecting us to each other. He's vile to the core...

"You're already tired after just kissing?" Bennett remarked proudly. "Then I'm excited to see how you'll do when we make love again." My stomach started to turn. "It's been a while, so let's not waste a second longer."

As Bennett pulled out another syringe from his pocket, I didn't have nearly enough time to react. He had already interjected me with it before I could even think about dodging the attack.

When I eventually woke up from my deep slumber, I found myself lying on a small squeaky bed. As I dug my elbows into the mattress the sound of a chain rattling could be heard.

I didn't have to look down to know that Bennett had already shackled me to the bed with a collar. You would think that would be sending me into a panic right now, but I was far too preoccupied with taking the entire room in that I could barely let it sink in properly.

The room was small enough as it was but to see the walls plastered from top to bottom with maps and all sorts of papers only made it that much more claustrophobic. Not only that, but the wall decor all shared one thing in common. It was all about me.

From diary entries talking about how much Bennett misses me to markings on a map of where I might possibly be, it was evidence of Bennett's pure insanity. It truly shows how deranged he's become since transmigrating.

The only thing that showcased anything about the former host was the war medals that hung proudly on the bulletin board. Bennett sure is lucky to have reincarnated into the body of someone so strong...

"You're finally awake, my love." Bennett cooed as he entered the room holding a tray of food.

I slowly scooted away as I dreaded what types of horror were to come from his cooking. There's no limit to what this man will do to torture me.

"Do you think I've done something to the food?" Bennett asked rhetorically. "Relax, it's just normal breakfast. We need to build your strength back up again. You've gotten thinner since I last saw you."

Bennett held out a spoonful of porridge before me with a gentle smile. I eyed the spoon suspiciously as I still couldn't fully trust him.

Bennett was starting to get frustrated. "Don't make me angry." He warned in a firm voice but never once breaking his smile.

I gulped in response. I closed my eyes as I braced myself for the worst as I ate the porridge. And to my surprise, it was just normal porridge like he said. Once I had finally finished eating all of the food, I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"It saddens me that you don't trust me," Bennett said as he took the tray out of the room. "I've given you no reason to doubt how much I love you." Bennett continued as he returned to the bed.

"But how and ever, I have no problem with proving my love to you again," Bennett said as he slowly crawled his way to straddle me. Once he had me pinned down completely, he gave me one last mischievous grin.

As he buried his head into my neck to plant hickeys along it, my breathing started to get heavy. I just know I'm about to hyperventilate. I needed him off me right now!

"Bennett, please..." I pleaded in a meek voice. "I'm... I'm r-really not in the mood for t-t-this!"

Bennett paused as he pulled away from my neck. "Do you know how long I've been looking for you?" He said with a twitching eyebrow. "Too long." He said, answering his own question.

As Bennett went to unbutton my jeans, his face softened as he looked at me with lovestruck eyes. "Since it's been a while, I promise to be gentle just this once. Okay?"

Please... just kill me instead.

Forced to Raise Yanderes for a LivingOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara