4.15 Forced Arrangements

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WARNING: Disturbing content, non-con

Running his fingers through his long raven locks, Bennett looked down at me passionately before sinking his teeth into the crux of my neck. I let out a sharp whimper as I painfully clutched the bedsheets.

Feeling amused, Bennett sat upright once more as he licked the freshly drawn blood from his lips. "It would be nice if my markings were deep enough to leave scars on your body."

I wanted to strangle him. It's bad enough that I've been confined to this bedroom for a month now. So, I could do without the extra unnecessary torture of branding too.

All of Bennett's servants seem to be wrapped around his finger. So, there's no way they would even think about helping me escape from this mansion. So, these precautions were simply unnecessary no matter how you looked at them!

Lifting my leg over his shoulder, Bennett proceeded to run a trail of kisses down it. "Even though I know you won't try to run from me anymore..." his sharp teeth tauntingly grazed my skin. "I'm very tempted to break your legs."

I gasped as I quickly prompted myself up onto my elbows. "Y... You wouldn't!" I pleaded with tears swelling up in my eyes.

Bennett chuckled as he started to apply brute force to my leg. I clenched my eyes shut as I tried to suppress the pain. To my relief, Bennett was stopped from following through on his words.

"Master, are you awake?" A servant called out as he knocked on the door.

With a sigh, Bennett rose from the bed and donned a black bathrobe as he went to open the door. I sank back into the bed in solace as I tenderly clutched my leg.

"I've explicitly stated that I am not to be disturbed." Bennett reminded the servant as he looked at him in contempt. "What's so important that you need to pull me away right now?"

The servant's eyes fell to his feet in nervousness. "I... apologise, Master Dragomir. It's just..." the servant looked up at me briefly as he gave me a sour face. "We are severely understaffed right now. We thought you intended on purchasing another servant from the auction."

Bennett's eyes shifted towards the bedroom as he looked at me enigmatically. The servant continued to speak. "So, we were all surprised to see you had purchased a sex slave instead."

At lightning-fast speed, Bennett whipped his head around to face the servant once more. Except, this time, he wasn't just irritated, but seething with anger. "Don't get it misconstrued. She is my fiancé; therefore, you will address her as such."

"O-O-Of course Master Dragomir! I-I-I apologise!" The servant stuttered as he clapped his hands together pleadingly.

Narrowing his eyes, Bennett planted his hands firmly on his hips as he sighed. "In any case, I'll see to it that we hire more servants."

Just as the servant went to turn, Bennett caught him by the throat. "Oh? Were you about to take your leave? I'm sorry but I'll have to dismiss you myself."

I clutched the bed sheets nervously as I anticipated Bennett's next move. With a graceful smile, Bennett looked at me softly. "I saw you looking at her. But I'm afraid my fiancé's naked body is reserved for my eyes alone."

Despair set in for the servant as he looked at Bennett wide-eyed. "Which means I'll have to kill you now." Without wasting a second, Bennett decapitated the servant's head.

He dropped the head to the floor without any care as a puddle of blood quickly started to form. Bennett acted like what he just did was completely normal. He casually approached the terrified me who retreated further into the bed, nonchalantly.

"Ugh. It's like pig blood." Bennett grumbled to himself as he tried to clean underneath his nails. "I'll need to take a shower now to clean myself off."

Just as Bennett looked down at me, he kissed my cheek before whispering. "What a shame, I would've likened to keep your scent on me for as long as possible."

Oh my god, EW!!! Every word that comes out of his mouth is revolting!

As much as I wanted to shun him after saying something so vulgar, I still had something I needed to confront him about. So, I reluctantly sat upright to look at Bennett sternly.

"Hey, you referred to me as your fiancé, right?" Perhaps I already knew what his response would be, but even so... a part of me was hoping I had misheard him.

"That's right. I've already started the preparations for our wedding as we speak." He cupped my ring finger tightly. "Soon you'll be officially known as Vana Dragomir in this world."

I know his current body is that of a demon and not his original soul, but it's still conflicting to me. It's ironic and even strange for a demon to want to be married. Shouldn't he reject god and even the church itself? Ugh, I just don't get it...

I was eventually allowed to leave the bedroom in the following days. But I had to stay by Bennett's side at all times. He maintained that it was for good reason that I never strayed too far. But I had my doubts about that.

"I was thinking of a red velvet cake since I know it's your favourite," Bennett said as he picked up a sample plate.

I didn't pay much heed to his ramblings. This wedding wasn't something of particular interest to me. Everything he had shown me thus far was all to his specific tastes.

My saying in the matter meant nothing at all to him. All that was expected of me was to comply by saying 'I do' on that dreaded day.

As I was lost in my train of thoughts, Bennett suddenly seized my mouth. To my utter disgust, he was orally feeding me the slice of cake. "NNGH!!!" I grumbled in disgust.

Once the cake was completely forced down my throat, I was finally released from his grasp. I wiped my mouth profusely as I tried to steady my breathing. Subtly peering up, I could tell Bennett was feeling slightly annoyed.

"You don't seem to be paying me much attention right now." He forced a pout. "That makes me sad, Vicky."

Ugh. I rolled my eyes at him. "Where's the bathroom? I think I might throw up..." I spat sarcastically.

To my surprise, Bennett perked up after hearing this as he grinned at me. "It's down the hall and the first room on your left." He explained as he pointed me in the right direction.

Hesitantly, I followed his instructions as I kept looking back at him in uncertainty. I thought he'd insist on accompanying me. So why would he–

"Let's hope that this is a sign of morning sickness!"

Oh my god, he just continues to prove that he's the worst! I need to find some contraceptives pronto. It'll be the end for me if he gets his way with this delusion of his...

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