2.10 Unbreakable Shackles

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WARNING: Disturbing content, non-con, sexual assault

Days had gone by, and I could barely sleep. Every second of the day I was stuck in this godforsaken place with Bennett. If I dropped my guard for even a second, he'd try to take advantage of me. It was pure torture!

As I stared blankly at the cracked and mouldy ceiling above, Bennett continued to trace circles along my naked body. "There's something different about this body." He commented.

"It's more sensitive than your original body." Bennett licked the side of my face. "I like it. It's like I get to rediscover all of your weak spots all over again."

Uuuu...I wish I could just pass out and not deal with this. "I've also noticed something else about your body too." Bennett went to trace the hickeys along my neck. "Although your body is still weak, your stamina has surprisingly improved."

I'm convinced that this whole stamina thing is a curse. Simply a cruel punishment to toy with me! "I guess this means I don't have to worry about breaking you anymore." Bennett leaned in closer to whisper in a low sultry voice. "We can have fun for longer now."

Disgusting. His yandereness has gotten stronger as a result of this new body. It's horrible to think he's even more attracted to me now! I didn't even think it could be possible.

"How about we go for round... well, I've lost track at this point." Bennett laughed teasingly. "Let's just go for another round before I make breakfast."

As Bennett got under the covers to make his way down my body, tears started to fill my eyes. Why me... what have I done to deserve this?

While Bennett was lacing up his boots, I drank my cup of hot water while eyeing him suspiciously the entire time. Is he leaving? Will I finally be alone? Oh, thank god, I hope he's leaving!

After he put his trench coat on, he looked at me with a sad expression as he stroked my face. "We're running low on supplies, so I'll have to go foraging. But don't worry, I'll be back before the end of the day."

I wanted to tell him to take all the time he needed. I was in no rush to see him again after all. But I can't see my words going down well with him no matter how I frame it, so I mustered up an understanding smile instead.

Bennett seized my lips to give me one last goodbye kiss. Once he finally released me from his hold, he slung a bag over his shoulder. "Don't miss me too much, my love."

Once I heard the metal bolted door lock, I exhaled in relief. Finally, I can have some time to myself. Being with Bennett all day was suffocating, so I better not waste this precious time I have to myself now!

Unless the key to this collar exists somewhere in this bedroom, then it doesn't look like I'll be able to make any grand escape anytime soon. But for the moment, I could still look around the room since the chain extended all the way to the doorway of the next room over.

The first place I decided to search was the messy desk in front of the bulletin board. Bennett seemed to have become somewhat of a slob since we parted. Usually, he was extremely organised, so to see this desk cluttered with random documents had me second-guessing for a second.

It took me hours to comb through everything, but I learned a few interesting things in the end. The former host who Bennett has taken possession of is an individual by the name of Jack Hargrove. According to this document, he's one of the best zombie hunters out there. The only problem is that he's a recluse. So, it's difficult to try and get a hold of him. Tch, if only people knew why he was a recluse...

Aside from that, there wasn't anything else on the desk I wanted to look into. I saw glimpses of the diary entries he made about me, which made me feel unsettled, so I quickly pushed them to the side. As I started to count how many other documents there were, I accidentally knocked over a black box to the floor.

Shoot! As I went to pick it back up, I noticed that it wasn't locked and that the contents inside were pouring out. As I slowly turned the box upright, I felt myself get angry. He's been trailing me for a while now. These pictures... they're of me and Luka on our travels!

It was only just a matter of time until he'd reveal himself and kidnap me. If only I didn't look like myself, maybe then it would've been easier to avoid detection. But even so, it's strange that Bennett has found me this easily on two separate occasions.

Unless... does Bennett have any special skills I don't know about? If he does, then perhaps he has that transmigrator detection skill like me. Or even worse... he might have a locator type of skill.

Ugh, I wonder if I could try to pry information out of that goddess when I see her next. It would really help me if she told me everything. Then I'd know for sure how to avoid Bennett in the future...


Am I being too optimistic? Who's to say I'll even see that goddess again. As it stands, I'm stuck here as long as I don't complete my mission. Bennett is more than aware of this so I'm certain he plans on never letting me step a foot outside of this room. Man, this sucks!

As I returned the box back to its rightful place, I noticed a drawer sticking out from the side of the desk. As I cautiously pulled it out, I felt my heart stop beating as I came face to face with what could possibly be the answer to my problems.

With this revolver, I could kill Bennett. It's loaded after all. But there's just one problem... if I shoot Bennett while still chained to the bed, then how am I supposed to get the key to this collar?

As I heard the sound of a door unlocking, I quickly scrambled to close the drawer and hide the revolver under the mattress. As I sat there patiently on the bed, Bennett entered the room with a wide grin.

"Have you been a good girl while I was gone?" Bennett asked as he shook the brown paper bag in his hand. "Because I've got you a present!"

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