wedding's announce

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"bla bla bla... whatever you said, park sunghoon. it doesn't change my mind nor heeseung to stop the marriage," aeri rolled her eyes to sunghoon who have been scolding her about their marriage for about an hour.

it's not forced marriage for her but heeseung. as his best friend, of course sunghoon felt bad. how can he say, it's heeseung's choice.

"ahh, i'm nervous," heeseung sighed while closing his eyes. try to chill a little bit but his heart still can't stop beating in a fast way.

aeri's father asked his sibling which is mr.choi to held a party for the whole batch and aeri's family. they gonna announce their marriage that could be in only almost a week.

"don't be. they don't eat people. plus, i think my family is nice! so don't be scared heeseung-ahh!" aeri spoke in a soft voice. trying to comfort her future husband while receiving a disgusting glace from sunghoon. he's about throwing up, to be honest.

heeseung nodded. the fact aeri's words somehow make him less nervous. "aeri, they arrived!" her uncle shouted from downstairs making aeri grab heeseung hand and go downstairs to greet them.

sunghoon on the other hand just watch them walk away, leaving him alone with deep thought. he felt something wrong could happen in a short time but he don't know what.

"aeri! here you are! so beautiful as always. oh! so this is the lucky boy? take care of her okay? this girl is limited edition," her oldest uncle whispered the last sentences to heeseung only receiving a fake giggle from him.

"i'm serious. you are the strongest girl i saw," aeri smiled at his uncle's statement. she knows she was the strongest girl, that's why she's here.

"alright, stop with the cringe compliment. go eat some food before we announce our marriage date!" her uncle agrees and walks away to the dining table to eat first.

heeseung and aeri busy greet their family and schoolmate. embarrassing for heeseung because people thought he don't have any feelings for her, (he don't) but now agreed on marrying her.

but follow the flow, that's all for his dream. he's going to live in his dream soon. he knows doing this is worth it. just wait and see.

"ehem, ehem!" the testing microphone sounds started by her uncle. all people stop what they do and focus on his uncle who standing in front of the stage while smiling.

at this moment, aeri was also nervous and started to shake but she tried her best to stay calm. luckily, yeonjun noticed it and rubbed her back softly. he also mouthed, 'go girl' to his sister as aeri smiled.

heeseung and aeri never leave each other, might say heeseung a little uncomfortable but he's rather holding aeri hands till death than talk to aeri's family alone. it'll be so awkward.

"so, as you guys know. our niece will get married soon! today we'll announce the date! come here both of you!" aeri take a look at heeseung, after took a deep breath, she finally lead the way to go beside her uncle to speak up.

"hello?" she greeted and giggle after saw her uncle, aunties and cousin started to wipe their fake tears.

she took a deep breath before continue the speech, "to be honest, me too. i can't believe i'll get married soon but, i can't wait for my big day!" 

"i hope my dad was here, watching me announce my wedding date but he's busy with his work and i understand that so well. so, yea... my wedding will be on... next week!" gasped started to fill the room. heeseung can't say anything, he just stand there trying to keep his smile on his face.

after a while, both of them invaded people by saying congratulations until people slowly going back home except for heeseung, yeonjun, sunghoon and mr.choi.

they all together resting theirselves on the couch, yeonjun beside aeri and heeseung beside his bestfriend while her uncle sit in the main sofa. 

"so, all wedding stuff have been prepared?" her uncle asked but aeri already in her deep sleep making yeonjun giggle and sign heeseung to answer the question.

"yes sir. just the priest and-" 

"nah, don't worry about that. umm by the way heeseung, i was thinking to make another party for your family too," heeseung's eyes widened as he shook his head.

"it's okay sir, i already inform them," 

"oh, okay then. stop call me sir. i'm not your chairman anymore, i will soon be your uncle, you know?" he giggled when heeseung just nodded shyly.

well, like what heeseung thinks, this marriage is not that bad. her brother and her uncle already accept him just like a real family.

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