new friend

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"hi, my name is aeri, lee aeri. i've been interested in fashion design since i was 7. here are some clothes i drew," she showed her drawings that she has been drawing since high school.

other students were amazed at her drawing and even the teacher was satisfied. she smiled as she received a lot of compliments from her classmate.

"have you created one of your drawings, aeri?" one of the students asked making aeri nod.

"show us!"

aeri take her back and started to take out the dress she created when she was 17 years old. with a little adjustment last night, it makes the dress looks more perfect.

her dress got a lot of attention. other students started to admire her dress. every detail, color that she chose and the design is so unique.

aeri stands there, feels like she existed being ignored by everyone busy adoring her dress not until the lecturer asks them to back in their place.

so do aeri, she put back her dress on her back and go seat beside a girl who seems like already putting much interest on aeri after seeing her dress.

"okay let's start our beginner class,"

after a few minutes she explained, she let her student to try what just she explained. it's actually easier for aeri because she's studied all those stuff since before college but the girl beside her seems to struggle.

"want help?" aeri asked.

the girl looks down on her feet, slowly nods. shy because she couldn't do the things that looks easy when their lecturer explained.

"put this here, and tied them in a zigzag way," (lol tbh idk what is that but let's just imagine) aeri explained as the girl do it successfully.

"see? easy right?" the girl's smile widened as she nodded.

"thank you, aeri,"

"u-uh welcome...? what's your name?" - aeri

"oh i'm xiaoting!" she introduces herself only making aeri giggle at her cuteness.

"alright xiaoting, let's focus. i think this is just beginner," aeri whispers for the last sentence not wanting anyone to hear them as if that's an important thing.


"okay, that's for now. mrs.park will show you guys another room that you can use to make your own design after lunch," the lecturer said. everyone bow at her and started to make their way out to eat.

except for xiaoting who's waiting for aeri at the front door, aeri still stays there, practicing another technique that her lecturer taught to make it perfect.

"aeri, let's eat together?"

aeri take a look at her clock before sighing."huh... i'm sorry xiaoting. i'm waiting for my husband. but as i know, medical students don't come out yet,"

and that's it. xiaoting eyes widened when that 'husband' comes out from aeri's mouth. "y-you're married?!" good things xiaoting still alive from chocking her saliva.

aeri just nodded and went back to focus on her work. xiaoting gulped, she's blinked a few times at aeri, can't believe what she just heard. they just got into college and end their school student phase, now she is someone's wife already?

"you'll be starving if you stay here," aeri said not even glaring at xiaoting. she's busy decorating her dress that already look nice.

"so do you. i think medical students come out when mrs.park's class is about to start," xiaoting spoke not wanting to leave without her new friend. she started college earlier than aeri, so she knew it like heeseung does.

yea, should we call it friend now?

"really? alright then i'll clean this up. go and eat, i want to go see medical buildings first," aeri asked her again but xiaoting did not take a move.

xiaoting sighed as she sat at the table which is close to the back door. "i want to go with you, i don't care if you have a husband or what but you're the only person i know here so—"

"straight to the point, i want to be your friend," it's really in minimum volumes but aeri's ear can manage to hear that. she giggled and walk toward xiaoting.

"let's go. we don't want to be late for our next class right, friend?"


"uh there he is, wait a minute okay?" aeri said to xiaoting while her already running to heeseung who had just come out from medical buildings with his friends around.

to be honest, aeri was surprised to see him with that many friends. she thought that he wouldn't interact with people at all. but, who cares about that now."hee!"

heeseung stopped as he saw aeri walking toward him, "here,". aeri gave him a sandwich that their maid do this morning.

"i bought that just in case. since i want to tell you that i'm going café with my new friend, then you can go to the library. but at least eat first oky? don't starve yourself. i'm going now, bye!" before aeri could take a step, heeseung grab her arm making her turn around to face him.


"my class will end at 6 pm, yours is earlier than mine right?" heeseung asked.

ish, it's all fake hope. you know what aeri hoping for, maybe say a thank you words or something like eating together. but no, he asked different things. probably to ask her to take a bus when her class ends.

"maybe. but don't worry, i can wait. it's not a waste of time you know? i can practice my skills," aeri covered his plan, walking away from heeseung with smile.

that boy sighed. she knows every way to wins. bet there is no way to get rid of her when she is obsessed with it.

Mission One: Marry YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora