I: First Glimpse

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I: First Glimpse

Third POV

It was 26 years ago; a relatively cool October day.

Two ladies, inseparable after meeting in middle school now sitting in a spacious garden area, but only one of them was carrying a life inside them.

They seemed normal at first glance, but they were forced to be reckoned with for two reasons, and not just because they were good with tactics but also because they'd married two out of the top five feared crime bosses in the world.

One named Inko Midoriya; she had shoulder length green hair, a rounded yet somewhat sharp baby face charm and mesmerizing green eyes.

The other who carried life and the owner of the home of the garden was named Mitsuki Bakugo; she was a rather tall and picturesque woman with short choppy ash blonde hair and mature look to herself.

Inko gently broke and neatened out the variety of flowers she was turning into a bouquet to place inside the Bakugo household.

Her soft green eyed gaze turned to the blonde woman who groaned in annoyance as she rubbed her stomach through the light purple maternity turtleneck she wore, "After I give birth to Katsuki I'm not having anymore children." Mitsuki uttered, "This pregnancy has been the worst!"

Inko giggled, "Don't worry, he is due on the 20 of April right? That's only 6 months from now, time is basically flying by now."

Mitsuki shook her head, "Yeah but from now to then, it feels like ages!" As she stretched out her stiff joints, "Just wait Inko til you have a child to feel my pain."

Mitsuki watched Inko place a hand on her stomach, "I really want one but Hisashi seems to busy for me to ask and besides I wanna help you out first so I get a feel of it."

Mitsuki had a reluctant look in her eyes but was supportive of Inko's decision, "Alright then, but if you did have a boy, what would his name be?"

Inko made so-so hands, "I dunno, I've always thought the name Izuku sounded cute."

Mitsuki smiled, having a mischievous look on her face. "Let's make a deal." She suddenly spoke up, making Inko raise her brow in curiosity.

"Masaru was thinking, and I suppose I was too and now I'm asking for your blessing on this," Mitsuki gently bowed her head, "We know what lifestyle we chose and we must produce heirs for enough to take over in their father's absence."

"Right..." Inko slowly nodded, "What exactly did you both have in mind?" Placing the final flowers into the vase.

"When they become of age, our children will get married- no matter the gender, and together in unison they'll combine clans to be the ones on top."

Inko looked down at her wedding ring, the sound of incoming footsteps from two males, respectively dressed in business attire approached them.

The one with brown hair went over to his wife Mitsuki, adjusting his rectangular framed glasses and giving his wife a sweet kiss on the cheek before lightly rubbing her stomach.

The one with curly jet black hair and freckles and sharp eyes gently patted her shoulder with a warm smile at his wife.

"It was nice seeing you again, Mitsuki." Hisashi Midoriya graciously bowed his head in front of Masaru Bakugo's wife, "Inko darling, we need to head home."

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