XII: Aftermaths

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XII: Aftermaths

Third POV
*Mature Content Ahead*

It was 6:00 am.

Today was Izuku's set wedding day, but instead of just beginning to wake up in the planned hotel room, he was standing on a grand balcony, staring out at the city.

Leaning against the marbled railing he stared at the diamonds that lay on his finger; a chilling breezing making him rub his shoulders and tilt his head.

12,400 square feet that he now shared with a man he was almost positive he'd never get to see again after that eventful night in the club.

The very same man he'd given his first time to at the back of a luxury car, with clear disregard for public indecency laws and basic safety automobile rules.

Isn't it funny how fast a night or two can change everything?

The car ride there was an absolute blur for him, all he'd remember was despite how gentle Katsuki was to him, Izuku had never experienced such pleasure like that in his life.

Even after they'd entered the home, they'd fuck in the foyer's living room, the main living room then to the bedroom where not a single part of Izuku's body had yet to have been explored.

It was pure bliss.

He rubbed his bare legs together, only wearing house slippers and an oversized black t-shirt with a skull on the front.

"Can't sleep?" A gruff voice spoke behind him, making Izuku look back a few feet away wear them French double doors were wide open and a shadowy figure stood.

Deep carmine eyes pierced into the depths of Izuku's heart, mind, and soul as the figure walked forward.

Izuku turned back to the twinkling lights of the city; butterflies fluttering in his stomach the second he felt strong arms wrap around his body.

"I feel weird," Izuku spoke up, placing his hands atop of Katsuki's pushing back so his head would lay on the man's shoulder.

"Everything that's happened, I mean."

"Have you spoken to your mother yet?" Katsuki questioned, leaving small pecks along Izuku's back and up to his neck, earning a shake of the head.

"No, she's probably asleep," Izuku shrugged, pushing his ass back to grind once more along Katsuki's crotch. "I don't blame her for what she did though."

After letting everything sink in during the car ride, he'd come to terms with his mother and all the secrets she had chosen to hide for his sake.

"It's me that I'm concerned for."

Izuku shifted in Katsuki's arms, his back towards the railing as he tossed his arms over Katsuki's shoulders, leaning in.

"It feels surreal to know that this is my life, and someone like you willing wants to be a part of it." Izuku stated, "Even though it was a verbal agreement, you still could've chosen to move on..."

"Especially after the fact that I'd gotten a fiancé."

Katsuki shook his head, his hands slipping underneath the large shirt, beginning to tug at Izuku's chest, listening to a stifled moan.

"That wouldn't work." Katsuki muttered, pushing the both of them closer to the railing, forcing Izuku's legs to spread wider, "I was far too drawn in to let you go, and your fiancé was nothing more than an obstacle."

Izuku peered downward, watching as Katsuki's pulled down his sweatpants slightly, as his cock sprung out.

Their eyes locked together, both knowing that round 5 was now in session.

Izuku arched his back, standing on his tiptoes as Katsuki tickled his entrance, letting out a muffled grunt once the tip had pierced the inside of his now somewhat loosened hole-; his insides spasming around how big Katsuki was.

Izuku had seen Monoma's cock, but it was nowhere near in size as Katsuki's.

"F-fuck~!" Izuku whined letting out a breathy moan. Feeling Katsuki slide in and out while the bulbous tip of his erection kept pounding against Izuku's sweet spot.

It hurt so fucking good.

Pink lines followed as Izuku's nails dragged against Katsuki's well-toned back, both of their bodies shaking up and down with each gratifying thrust.

Izuku's moans and Katsuki's grunts echoed through the night. As the boy wrapped his legs around Katsuki's engraved waistline, his emerald eyes flickered with lust-filled hearts.

Katsuki's bit down on Izuku's shoulder blade, leaving one hand secured on the boy's waist while the other ruffled up soft curly green locks.

Neither, giving a real crap about whether they'd be seen in this state or how precum dribbled from Izuku's tightness down to the base of Katsuki's dick.

"Fuck baby, you feel so good." Katsuki groaned, feeling himself get lost in a state of lust-filled intoxication, feeling his body become sticky with Izuku's touches.

Incoherent garbles and feeling his raw back skin get exposed to the coolness of the night; jerking back and forth as the tightness in his balls came back like the last four rounds.

He pulled out, as his dick was shiny and Izuku's hole was now pink and throbbing- forcing the boy to face out the city again before he lifted up Izuku's leg and placed it on the ledge.

Izuku's hands now gripped onto the railing, his body shivering as precum dripped from his small cock and from his hole that twitched in pleasure.

Pushing back in slowly, listening to Izuku's voice rise in octaves before shuddering once more as he slammed against Izuku's prostate.

Beads of sweat rolled down the boy's freckled face as he choked saliva, feeling himself lose himself in ecstasy.

His hands slipped as his palms became damp with perspiration.

The next thing he knew, he was on cloud 9, letting out a deep breath before his vision became blurry with stars.

Warm virile cum squirted into him, as his legs slowly began to feel like jelly once again, flopping onto the railing as lines of his own cum splattered along his thigh.

Katsuki pulled Izuku into a bridal hold, pulling his cock out and carrying the both of them back inside to clean up and at least attempt to get some sleep.

Subsequently, they were going to have a busy trying to prep for a wedding set to occur a little less than two weeks from now.










This chapter concludes 'Nameless' and I hoped you enjoyed but it's time to move on.
They'll see you all soon, goodbye for now.

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