IV: Set In Motion

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IV: Set In Motion

Third POV

The next morning had arrived, as Izuku woke up, to dozens of messages congratulating him on his engagement from friends and acquaintances alike.

He had to admit it all felt like a dream to be engaged, as marriage and probably being able to start a family had always made his heart flutter with joy.

And while it would've been nice to wake up next to his fiancé, things simply wouldn't work like that for him, as he sat upright to an empty queen sized bed; with the right side being cold, meaning Monoma had been gone for a while.

Izuku placed his phone down after replying to all the heartwarming messages and where the engagement party was set to happen, before allowing the silence to envelope him.

Monoma always woke up early because of his job that was apparently a financing manager for a major corporation, but today was different seeing as how Izuku usually would see him before he headed out.

To assume anything, chances were high that Monoma was upset with him, which would've been partly correct.

To Izuku, he'd always thought his first time would be with someone he truly loved, and he's constantly claimed Monoma so what was the big issue?

Monoma didn't think so when it came to their basically non-existent love life, as the most he'd ever got from Izuku was a quick make out session before bed.

Izuku was just to keen until preserving himself til after marriage, or until something would shake him to the point where he no longer have a damn about what he did to his body and would do it whenever he felt like it.

And after a wonderfully set engagement, Monoma was expecting something other than a make out session and Izuku allowing him to roam his hands around his body, but it appeared Izuku was set firm on his choice.

Izuku shook his head, sliding out of bed to go get ready for work himself, muttering how those portfolios weren't gonna make themselves.

. . .

Meanwhile, 10-ish minutes away in the Midoriya Co. on the highest floor, Inko Midoriya was having a chat with someone she valued just as much as her own son.

"It's nice seeing you again, Katsuki." Inko smiled, ushering for him to have a seat; while her personal assistant brought them both a cup of strawberry tea.

"It's nice seeing you again too, Miss Midoriya." Katsuki bowed his head; typically not doing this for his elders, including his mother but Inko Midoriya was different.

"Please just call me Inko," She dismissed with a hearty tone, before handing him a Manila folder with a bunch of private content, ranging from bank statements, photographs and written reports.

"You, Your Mother and I are all aware of the agreement set in place, only thing is Izuku isn't aware of it, and I suppose majority of the blame should go to me." She sighed, brushing back her bangs from her face.

"I don't know how this happened, but Izuku met this Neito guy and completely shut me down! I had initially planned for you guys to meet 5 months ago, and I'd already brought up to him that he was to be with someone, but Izuku suddenly tells me he and this guy are dating and I didn't have the heart to tell him that his marriage was already arranged."

Katsuki narrowed his brows, "Okay... Does Izuku even know about my existence or the mafia business we're all involved with?"

Inko shook her head, "I wanted to protect him from that too. You already know how you lost your father because of this lifestyle and why I simply couldn't bring myself to get involved with that side of the business which is why I asked your mother to have you do it since you were already so promising."

"And you have no idea how thankful I am for doing that for me; and your mother and I were so sure that this arranged marriage would go smoothly seeing how you two connected so well as kids and I still want it to happen, except...!"

"That Neito guy is interfering." Katsuki finished, earning a sorrowful nod from the older green-haired woman.

Now it's not like he didn't want Izuku. After all he didn't spend years looking at those sent photos, admiring the green-haired boy that was meant to be his fiancé. So he knew what needed to be done.

"And this?" He raised his brow, flipping through the contents with a rather amused look on his face, "Monoma's statements huh?"

"Izuku won't listen to me when I say there's something up with his new fiancé, and those are solid evidence that I was able to collect but there may be more that I'm not aware of," Inko explained, "But of course, in terms of skills and superiority you'd be able to know more."

Katsuki nodded at that statement, "I'll see what I can do, and I'll get started tonight at that club." As he began to rise out of his seat and smooth out his clothing before trudging to the doorway.

"Leave everything to me Miss Inko, and sooner rather than later, Izuku will want nothing to do with Monoma."

Inko could feel a single tear roll down her face, knowing that she's been asking so much, and to be accepted just like that made her so happy.

"Katsuki, you know what I mean when I say take care of my baby, right?" She questioned solemnly, staring at Katsuki who was nearly a foot out the door.

He tilted his head to the right before casting a grin, "Mh, Izuku might be a little stunned, but I can assure you now he'll be just fine."

And that was it. Their interaction had ended just as fast as it had started.

As Inko could only wish that Izuku wouldn't despise her after this. But he needed to realize that she was doing this for his and the clan's own good.

Her gaze shifted to the window, staring out to the bustling streets, gripping the hem of her black pencil skirt.

"Please.. please let tonight be a success."

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