VI: Prints

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VI: Prints

Third POV

A throbbing head and nausea feeling was the perfect response for how much Izuku drank last night; everything he tried to remember came out in a painful and fuzzy black and rainbow blur.

Especially that one charming guy he'd met that made him feel so different inside.

Izuku shook his head furiously, wincing almost immediately at that action, after all, there was no time for him to be worrying about things or people he'd never see again, so with that, he put it out of his mind. He'd then got up and headed to go get ready for today.

Ever so thankful he'd taken the initiative before hand to call out of work, knowing he wouldn't be able to functions after all those drinks, so now he was planning on meeting up with Shinsou.

Apparently he wanted to have a one on one celebratory brunch with Izuku on his engagement at this fancy hotel restaurant, notorious for accommodating the supposed ultra-wealthy, which Izuku found to be such a sweet gesture.

. . . Meanwhile . . .

Kirishima and the others all subtly eyed Katsuki who had a glazed over look in his eyes, which was unusual in its own right because he never seemed so faded.

The room was tense as Katsuki's eyes met with Kirishima's, using a finger to beckon the redhead to his side immediately.

"Yes boss, what can I help you with?" Kirishima spoke, watching how Katsuki then pulled out his box of cigarettes and lit one up; pursing it in between his lips.

"Do me a favor and ensure the signal gets out, and make sure those who are on it gets a picture of who has used my name." Katsuki spoke, taking in a deep inhale before exhaling again, "That last part is most important."

Kirishima slowly nodded, "I'm sure it doesn't matter, but did you happen to give your name to that guy you wanted from earlier..?" this question immediately earning a pissed off look from his boss.

"That's none of any of your business unless I say it is, now all of you get the fuck out of my office and go ensure there's no more debts to be settled." Katsuki grunted, slightly bitting down on the inhalant, giving everyone the hint that they should leave now unless they want to aggravate their boss any further.

Katsuki watched them all scramble to get out of the large room, a chuckle in his throat echoed in the area at how ridiculous they looked pushing and shoving.

He then turned to his computer and began to compose an email, to the one and only Inko Midoriya.

. . .

"It was nice of you to do this, Shinsou." Izuku smiled, "This drink is just what I needed." Taking a sip of the raspberry syrup infused lemonade, watching the purple haired man do the same.

"Though I honestly would've preferred going to a less costlier restaurant."

He watched Shinsou dismiss his claim with a single wave of his hand, "Yeah well, it's your engagement and I figured you would want something nice and not exactly stale seeing as how hard you partied last night."

Izuku sheepishly shrugged, "Last night was definitely something, though I wish Neito was with us."

Shinsou gave a bored expression, "Yeah well he's busy, after all he did pay a good amount of money to help with preparations for the surprise engagement, especially that ring."

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