VII: At The End Of The Day

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VII: At The End Of The Day

Third POV

"Okay that should be it, Miss Shiemi!" Izuku called out to the honey-blonde haired model that posed next to a male model, "We're finished for today, and I'll send in the finished portfolio by Friday!"

The woman nodded, a chipper look on her face as she wrapped the light pink robe around her body and headed to her dressing room.

Izuku headed back to one of the many expensive devices, beginning to touch into the editing board, uploading the photo to his main computer on the third floor of the studio.

Just as he was about to send the final pictures, Izuku could feel hands cover his eyes, recognizing a strong cologne scent that was only imported from Belgium.

"Hello, Neito." Izuku giggled, feeling himself get spinned around, before hands wrapped around his waist, "What're you doing here? I though you had work?"

Not responding just yet, Monoma handed him a red rose, stating how it complimented Izuku's eyes, "I'm only my lunch break and thought a beautiful rose for someone as beautiful as you."

Izuku's cheeks heated up, "Aww thank you." Placing a peck on Monoma's cheek with no hesistation, nearly forgetting about the stunt he and Shinsou had pulled.

Keyword; Nearly.

"So is this a rose to apologize for that stunt?" Izuku questioned, "What was that even all about?" Furrowing his brows and giving Monoma a rather upset look.

He watched Monoma adjust his white polo, kissing Izuku's temple to sweeten up his rather lackluster response, "It was an honest mistake baby, Shinsou was apart of the planning process and I figured it would've been a nice treat, for the both of you."

"Okay, I get that much," Izuku paused, "But what does that have to do with the fact that you told him I have money on me? I only really get paid on Fridays."

"What other money source would I possibly have besides my mom who I definitely don't like taking money from?"

Monom could feel Izuku slowly becoming hostile, after all what self-respecting fiancé wouldn't in this situation.

"Yknow I don't understand," Monoma uttered, "Your mother has a lot of money to spare to you, a lot more in assets than in liquidized form so I was thinking-,"

"No." Izuku responded firmly, "It was no the day we started planning our engagement and it's no now." Clearly over the idea of taking money from his mom.

He hated the idea of it, not only was it his mom who worked hard for it, but if he asked her for money that was over a measly 20 bucks, it would give her the idea that he simply couldn't take care of himself.

She'd keep him under her wing until she took damn near her last breath at work. Which is why he chose to be independent from the start.

"Right, sorry, I'm overstepping again." Monoma apologized, gently ruffling Izuku's green locks placing one last kiss on the boy's lips before trudging to the door. "I'll make dinner to even it up, that makes us cool again, right?"

Izuku gently nodded, "As long as it's Katsudon, then I'm fine." And with a charming smile, Monoma was out the door.

If Izuku was gonna be genuine with himself he felt kind of bad, not mentioning this Katsuki Bakugo guy to his fiancé, especially after what happened that night.

Izuku slapped his face, just hard enough to snap him out of a basically non-existent dilemma, heading on up to his mini office to begin the designs.

. . . Meanwhile . . .

Katsuki stared down at his phone, at one distinct photo of his future fiancé, who dressed in all white on their 24th birthday, staring so innocently at the camera, completely unaware of what was left for them not even less than a year later.

A fancy sleepover in basic terms; Izuku looking the most free as he wore a small silver crown and fitting nightwear. Oh how good his ass perked in those fluffy white shorts...

Katsuki's gaze shifted over to his hand, watching it twitched as he recalled last night, how warm Izuku felt in his embrace and in the last few seconds he'd actually managed to convince himself that he and Izuku was all his.

His to hold.

His to taste.

His to love.

But so long as the dirty ingrate that went by Neito Monoma was in the picture, he could only hope to admire Izuku from the shadows, or just until the truth could be revealed.

Even with everything Inko Midoriya had brought up and taken file on, Izuku was still a tough nut to crack down, but luckily for everyone's sake, Katsuki knew how to break people down, and all those monologues  given by the new leader of the Midoriya Family, told Katsuki everything he needed to know about Izuku.

Down to his favorite color.

Katsuki's cock twitched in his pants, when suddenly there was a knock at the door, the blond telling whoever it was to come in gruffly, a rather pleased smile on his face as Kirishima held a black leather patented with a golden explosion emblem on the front file.

"Boss, I think it's begun." Kirishima stated, gently tossing the folder over to Katsuki who opened it up, seeing an enlarged photo of Izuku and a purple haired male and a separate document of what appeared to be a bill.

"550, huh?" Katsuki spoke, "What'd he get?" As his index finger pointed towards Izuku's photo who stared worriedly at the camera.

What a cute expression, indeed.

"According to the waitress, and not including dessert and the wine, he got a lemonade." Kirishima responded, reading off the separate notepad to the file, "Majority was his."

Katsuki slowly nodded, eyeing everything in the folder that would sure grow over the span of a month, willing to take the price of the charges.

But one shouldn't make mistakes with him.

One slip up could be fatal.

The only person to have a hold on him with no expenses is the heir to the Midoriya family wealth.

Izuku Midoriya.

And at the end of the day, Katsuki would have him, the most priceless thing of them-; all to the one who'd gone as nameless.

𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬                                             || 𝐊.𝐁 & 𝐈.𝐌||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang