X: True Intentions

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X: True Intentions

Third POV

July 1st. The current time is 12:30 PM.

Like most in the city; a good amount of people were at work at the moment, including Izuku Midoriya who'd just gotten off a rather short and weird phone call with his mom.

The call had only lasted two minutes, yet she somehow managed to leave him worried with an abrupt end call. Not much had been said, other than her telling him that some sort of truth would've been revealed today.

Whatever that could've meant was absolutely beyond him, as his mom rarely spoke in code and was usually straightforward with him, for better or for worse.

Right now, on the other hand, Izuku was putting up the final headlining shots when his manager came up to his office, with a sweet pre-wedding gift.

"Hello, Mr. Midoriya, I overheard you were having a wedding." Ms. Kaede smiled, pushing back her black headband over her fluffy hair, "So I got you a gift."

Izuku beamed brightly, being handed a white sparkly bag covered in white and light shades of blue tissue paper.

"Aww thank you," Izuku thanked, his hands gently peeling back the pieces of decorative paper, revealing a ruby pendent, "It's so nice-!"

Ms. Kaede popped her lips, gently swaying her hands, "I figured a beautiful pre-wedding gift to one of our hardest workers in the building." A glimmer in her honey-brown eyes as Izuku tried it on.

"You look wonderful, please enjoy it." She nodded before exiting the office, as Izuku then turned to his phone to see a missed phone call from Monoma.

"Mmm... Hello?" Izuku spoke, hearing slight static on the other end of the line before a rather enthusiastic voice responded.

"Hey Baby, how's work going?" Monoma's voice rang, even though there were some background clutter noises.

"Work is fine," Izuku answered, still in a good mood from earlier, "Uh babe, what's all that noise behind you?"

"Oh, that's just something else... Let me know when you're going on that break, I have a surprise for you that will better all of us." Monoma announced, a bit more on the boastful side than normal, making Izuku excited but a little nervous.

"A surprise huh? Lately, your surprises has me worried." Izuku nervously laughed, only to receive a dismissal tone from his fiancé, nothing new within the past weeks.

"Don't worry. I promise after this there will be no more of these surprises; or at least not until after we get married." Monoma answered, trying to alleviate some of Izuku's worries. "And don't worry, you'll get a proper explanation when we meet."

This wedding day was only a few hours away, and with even thing that's been happening, Monoma simply couldn't afford to so Izuku due to his overthinking problem.

"Alright, well I'll let you know, don't worry." Izuku sighed in defeat, his lips stretched to a smile, as he listened to Monoma say his goodbyes.

And with that, there was a click of disconnection.

Izuku turned back to his computer, that wave of uneasiness remaining like a gloomy overcast.

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