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Ada hated flying. Sure, it was sweet to move from Missions Department to Supplies, flapping cherubic soft wings while smoothly going about her duties. But nope, she really did hate flying.

Her wings hated her and Ada dittoed right back. They shed, weren't cotton white like other cupids', more of a light pink shade, and they were huge. Imagine a four-foot cupid with huge ass wings looming behind her, dragging across the floor, GETTING IN THE WAY.

So Ada willed them away and summoned them only when it was absolutely necessary. Wings were vanity for cupids anyway. They could float around just fine but the love creatures had gotten used to the appendage and found it difficult to move without them. Again, not Ada. Over the years, she had mastered 'floating around' and running.

Yeah, running was the best. The ground was less populated than up and she loved to play this game where she measured just how fast she could go against Teddy, a crazy Miff cupid and her accidental best friend.

She always won. Even without her wings, she was faster than every cupid in the Southern Cupid Division. Not that being fast mattered in her line of work. What mattered was making sure love worked which she sucked at. 

That brought her to the reason she was running. She had been summoned by the Helmets for the third time in two weeks. Ada could pretty much guess why and she was sorry and absolutely not sorry. Harry deserved what he got.

By the time Ada reached the tall white double doors of the Helmets conference room, she was a panting mess. Pressing the button at the door, she placed her small hands on her knees and drew in huge gulps of air.

When the door opened, Ada launched her plea. "I swear... " Pants. "I didn't put..." More panting.


Ada raised a finger to stop Maya's words. "Just..." She swallowed, panted some more then straightened. "Please let me finish."

Maya, the lead Helmet of the Southern Cupid Division, leaned against the door frame and folded her arms. "Go on."

She looked like a regular thirteen-year-old even though she was at least 300 years old. Her curly white hair was in a high bun as usual and her wings were always out of sight.

"I am waiting." Maya raised a white eyebrow.

"I..." Ada looked everywhere but at the Helmet. "I didn't put blue dye in horrid Harry's shampoo." She released a small cough and shifted on her feet. Gosh, the floor was polished to perfection today. "I mean... who would do such a terrible thing?"

Frowning, Maya bent at the waist and observed Ada with her dreaded all-knowing gaze. "What did you do?"

"Wait, this isn't about the dye? Then why did you send for me—" She slapped a hand over her mouth. The Helmets didn't know about the dye.

Ada raked her mind for a possible excuse, when nothing came, she flung herself at Maya. Hugging the Helmet around the waist, she pleaded, "I'm so, so sorry! I couldn't resist. Harry kept teasing me about my failed matches. He mocked my wings too." She gazed up at Maya, squishing her eyebrows and turning her lips down in a doleful pout. "Would you forgive me...please? I don't think my fingers can handle volunteering at the garden for the second time this week."

"Harry would be so mad, you know that." Maya chuckled and shook her head. "I forgive you though. No volunteering."

Ada beamed then tightened her hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She only let go when Maya laughed and ruffled her hair.

"That's alright. Get in, you naughty little cupid, you've got a match to work on."

"A match!" Ada froze, tears springing in her eyes. "I still get another chance? H-how?" She assumed her days in the field were over.

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