Haruto's Decision

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"Please, stop." Haruto's voice cracked. "Do not say impossible things."

Ada placed a gentle hand on Haruto's shoulder and squeezed. "I know I'm no good at cupiding, matter of fact, I'm the absolute worst at it. But sometimes, I get feelings about things. Right now, I feel it in my heart that you are not a rifter."

Haruto's face crumbled. "Stop saying that. I would begin to hope like a fool. I've come so far already, have even gotten used to living without my wings—"

"That's the part that irks me the most," Ada exploded. The unfairness of it all. Who gave Luke the right to permit them to mutilate Haruto? She disliked her wings on most days, but that didn't mean she could bear the thought of someone taking them away. "Why take your wings though? If Luke was so certain that you were meant to be a rifter, why did you have wings in the first place?"

"I don't know." Haruto shrugged with a tired sigh. "Maybe every rifter once had wings."

Frowning, Ada dropped her hand from his shoulder. "They did?"

"I don't know." Haruto pushed his fingers through his hair and tugged. "I'm not friends with other rifters and I haven't heard anything about them having wings. Still, who knows?"

"But don't you want to give my plan a chance? Apart from the tour, maybe I can talk to the Helmets to see if they can—"

"I told you before. Don't bother." He blinked down at the VR glasses he still held. "It'd crush me to face rejection the second time."

"Fine." Ada retrieved the glasses and stuffed them in her backpack. "At least visit my division. I think you'd blend right in. I'd ask Teddy if he's interested in joining us." Teddy will probably say no and give her an earful about not trusting rifters. "I have this insane picture in my head I want to graffiti so bad; I'm shaking."

"You are not shaking," Haruto said with a chuckle.

"On the inside. I am shaking on the inside." Her backpack disappeared as she shouldered it. "Say you'd come with me."

"You win. I'll come." Haruto gave an exasperated sigh as he put away his snack box. "When are we heading to your division?"

"Probably after Genevieve and Raymond settle down. How's tomorrow?"

"Isn't that too soon?" Haruto asked with a worried frown. "And sneaking you into my division would take a lot of time to plan." He massaged the back of his neck, appearing even more unsure than he earlier was. "Are you sure about this? Why not just go with the flow? Genevieve and Ray seem to be getting along. Maybe they'll fall in love without extra help."

"Nah." Ada shook her head. She was certain about her plan. "I can't leave things to chance. Since my skill as a cupid is weak, I might as well use other... tools. And don't look so worried. We have a secret weapon."

"We do?" A look of confusion clouded Haruto's face. "What's it?"

Ada grinned wide and thumbed her chest. "Me."

Huffing, Haruto laid on his back and shut his eyes. "That wasn't a funny joke."

"I'm serious, look."

"What?" Haruto faced her direction.

Ada laughed at his look of confusion.

"How can I sense but not see you?"

Ada made sure to float inches above his face before deactivating her wings. "Boo!"

"Wha!" Haruto shrunk away, eyes wide and terrified. "H-how did you do that!"

"It's magic," Ada said, with exaggerated flair.

"That's some sick magic." Haruto's eyes were still wide, but the terror was replaced with excitement. "Do it again!"

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