Crazy Zapping Love

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Genevieve turned to her side. "Be honest. Did you hate it?" Using her arm as a pillow, she observed Ray's profile as she waited for an answer.

After a hectic day of overseeing the distribution of the aid materials, sorting their sleeping arrangement and having dinner—the blandest-tasting jollof spaghetti—Ray had taken a few blankets, released the latch of one of the Hilux trucks parked a small distance from the tents and invited her over.

Lying side by side with an open can of travel sweets between them, they said little as they took in the night breeze with the starry sky as their ceiling. The silence was comfortable with Ray, which was a huge relief. There was nothing worse than that suffocating awkward feeling that sits between people, begging to be acknowledged but better ignored.

"Hate what?" Ray asked before reaching for a sweet and popping it in his mouth. The light from the bulbs hanging from a nearby tree cast a deep shadow across his face.

"Your mood has been kinda..." Genevieve made an iffy gesture.

"Chima is your ex."

Groaning, Genevieve sat up. "What did that buffoon tell you?"

"Relax." Ray gently pulled Genevieve to her former position. Instead of letting go, he wove their fingers. His attention was still on the night sky.

"Why did you tell me he was your best friend?" Ray asked.

"Um..." Genevieve went into full panic mode. She wasn't used to this kind of directness. Awkward or uncomfortable topics triggered her flight instincts. She and Chima dated because they were curious about what it would be like. Chima had been on the same page, at least that was what he said. And it was such a long time ago. Why was—

"Hey." Ray poked her cheek.

Genevieve blinked. He was so close. The temptation to distract him with a kiss came—

"You've not answered my question."

"Oh... Yeah. It was long ago. Didn't even last for three months."

"Let me get this straight," Ray said. "We flew to Borno State to see your ex who happens to be your best friend."

"No, I..." Genevieve puffed a frustrated breath. Why was it so difficult to explain? "That's not—"

"The way you hugged him tight." Ray faced the sky once more and shook his head. "And you were smiling at him like he hung the sun."

"Come on! No way I smiled like that. I don't..." Genevieve's words faded at the sound of laughter. "Hey, what's funny?"

"You're entertaining."

Annoyed, Genevieve tugged at her arm but Ray pulled her next to him once more. "Don't you think I should be the one who's mad?" Laughter still coated his voice. "You even got me jealous."

Genevieve's belly dipped. "H-how do you just say it easily?" It felt like she was the only one who got flustered—like she was the only one this closeness between them affected. The way he smoothly adjusted from boss to boyfriend was just...

"Say what?"

"That you were jealous." That wasn't the only thing she wanted to ask. Though they only started dating, Genevieve could sense it, Ray was way more emotionally mature than she was.

"Genevieve." Ray pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. His touch lingered, travelling down her jaw until he hooked a finger beneath her chin. "Before I asked you to be my girlfriend, I thought hard about it. I do not do things in halves."

Tell me something I don't know. Genevieve dropped her gaze.

"Chima compared you to a butterfly and claimed that's the reason your relationships don't last."

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