Can I Say The L-Word?

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"Dude, if you say one more sentence with the name Genevieve in it, I would knock your big so-in-love head back to Lagos." Tola's gaze narrowed in warning before returning his attention to the TV screen. He was a terrible Call of Duty player.

"Do not use the L-word, man," Raymond said with mild irritation. He should have known not to bring his problems to his friend. Tola's mind worked like a hive—everything all at once—nothing was just that. Everything had to have a deeper meaning or use.

"Can I use the F word though?" Tola threw a smile his way as his fingers flew over the controller.

"Please stop." Raymond dragged a hand across his face, sighing.

"But I can't stop."

"Tola, really, stop."

"You fancy her, don't you?" Tola wiggled his brow and grinned big. "I like to imagine you imagine her in your imaginations."

Raymond burst into laughter. Tola was an idiot. "I swear, you don mad finish."

Tola's expression suddenly grew serious. "Look, man. I don't think it's worth it. When you told me about your romantic getaway trip to Borno, I did a little research. That place is wild, bro; anything can happen."

"And you think I don't know that?" Raymond dumped his empty can of Smirnoff on the centre table. But was it that bad though? He could get a security team. Genevieve was the daughter of a senator, there was no way the woman would let her daughter prance off to the North-East without iron-clad security, right? She mentioned a Medical Non-Profit organisation; surely, they had tight security.

"Maybe you don't know that cause I can see you already have that eye thing going on." Tola huffed and shook his head.

"What eye thing?" Raymond frowned.

Chuckling, Tola stole a glance his way. "Your eyes are getting that determined look. You know, like how you get when you're about to make a decision you know is clearly stupid."

"You don't get it." Raymond groaned and relaxed into the plush leather cushion. "My father is ruthless, cold even. I'm worried that if I tell him Genevieve's ultimatum, he'd tell me to go ahead and do it."

"No, he wouldn't; no sane father would," Tola shot back in reply. "Tell him the senator's daughter is a suicidal lunatic who wants to get you killed. Your dad will understand."

"Not every father is like yours, man. I know mine and what he is capable of. I want to make this decision myself. I don't want to hear him tell me to offer myself up like some sacrificial lamb. That would hurt big time."

Tola shook his head. "I can't believe you're even considering this. Two days ago, you were swearing by Odin's beard you wouldn't bow to her request yet here you are."

Raymond chuckled. "I did not swear by Odin's beard."

"That's beside the point," Tola said, brushing off his denial. "Now that I think of it, I see how you frequently find a way to sneak that chick into our conversations. A part of me is even worried you're considering her deal because you like her."

"Don't say that." Shaking his head, Raymond stared at the game screen. Tola was doing badly. "You'd plant ideas in my head if you say stuff like that."

"I don't need to plant ideas. She's already in your head; has probably taken centre stage, dancing or some shit. There's a part of me that's glad though. At least Jane would be out of your mind."

Her name sliced through Raymond's chest, guilt rising like the undead, squeezing his heart. To his shame, Tola was right. Jane was gradually fading off his mind. Not because of Genevieve. It had been happening for months now. "No talks of Jane, please."

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