An Insane Deal

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"Let's see. Where do I start?" Raymond considered what would be fine to share. Better to stick to the basics. "Born in Lagos. My folks got divorced when I was twelve. Mum hightailed with me to the States after that. My brother stayed with my dad. Studied computer engineering. Dropped out at twenty-one to run this small company where I and a friend built custom computers."

"Get out of here." Genevieve gawked at him, her pretty eyes bright with awe. "You're totally kidding."

"I'm not." Raymond wasn't surprised at her reaction, hell, it was almost like that part of his life happened a thousand years ago to another person. His mother had supported him all the way, even when he decided to drop out. Gave him seed money for the company. Lived through the enraged phone calls from his father when he learned he had dropped out. She had been his shield. He had been stupid for never shielding her from his father and even more foolish for spiralling in the manner he did after that incident.

"No offence to Dominic and Dimes, but I would totally pick a small company I run over that. What the hell are you doing there?"

Even though his father was one mean narcissist, he was the only one who had been able to pull Raymond out of the hell of his downward spiral. His mother had tried and failed. God, he had been a massive pain then. Leaving was the only kindness he could give her. The ugly memories were returning and it didn't help that he would be having some beach time in the near future. Raymond frowned.

"Woah... you look mega pissed, dude."

Shutting his eyes, Raymond released a deep sigh and forced a smile. "Sorry. I was just thinking."

"Has anyone ever told you you give off major Batman vibes... minus the vigilante part."

Raymond chuckled and it was genuine. "That doesn't even make sense. Once you remove the vigilante part all you have is a broody rich guy with a deep voice."

"Check, check, check," Genevieve said with a laugh. The way her eyes squinted when she laughed was beyond gorgeous.

"That's so you, Ray-Ray. I don't know if you listen to yourself talk. The speech you gave at your welcome ceremony? Ha." She chuckled and slapped her thigh. "Instead of that speech, you should have just said, 'I'm Raymond. Joy and laughter are overrated,'" she said with a mock deep voice and scowl on her face.

"Please, stop." Raymond laughed. "The person you're talking about is definitely not me." Conversations with Genevieve were way too easy, and it didn't help that he found her hilarious. "What about you, though? What were you doing before you joined Dominic and Dimes?"

"I worked from home as an app developer."

Of all the things Raymond expected to hear, that did not remotely come close. He recalled her mother had asked if he checked her qualifications. He was yet to do that. "I don't understand. How were you able to become the head of the Supply Department? Now that I think of it, you worked in Dominic and Dimes for almost three years and you're already the head of a department."

"Hmmm, where should I start?" She began counting with her fingers. "Was done with Secondary School at fifteen. Studied Business Administration at the University against my will. Went to London Business School against my will. Graduated with honours on both occasions. Mother's awesome prodigy."

Genevieve's previous cheer vanished, her expression turning gloomy. "I was twenty-two, at a job my mother helped me get when a sudden realisation hit me: I didn't know what I wanted with my life. I had this path spread out for me—a life perfectly mapped out by my mum. Hell, she even got me a fiance."

Raymond's brow shot up. "Well, she is thorough."

"I know, right? That day at the office, it was like something switched in my head. I tried to hold on for a while. I mean, I had a very good life—insanely privileged to an unfair degree. But what I's hard to describe."

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