I'll Help You

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"Not funny." Genevieve adjusted her left earbud as she held up her phone. Maria was on the other end with a grin so big the screen was 80% teeth. "I keep embarrassing myself." She sighed at the grey umbrella spread over her head.

Instead of answering Ray's taunting question, Genevieve abandoned the dishes and escaped to the poolside, mumbling an excuse about needing to make a call. Why did she run? Answering Ray would have been an easy way to know what he thought about them dating. But she had played the chicken at the last moment, which was weird. Maybe it was time to admit that when it came to Ray, brain lag was a given.

"I know I tell you to shoot your shot all the time, but, wow," Maria shook her head, eyes still wide with shock, "it takes another level of boldness to ask Batman boss out. Wow," she repeated.

"It was a mistake," Genevieve said with a mortified groan. "And now that I've hung out with him, he doesn't seem as intense. Just..." Her attention flitted to the blue surface of the pool as she searched for the right word. "Focused."

"Focused ke? Give me the juice." Maria's eyes shone with a teasing glint. "How did you guys get so close that you asked him out? Did you see him shirtless or something?"

Laughter escaped before Genevieve could stop it. "You're crazy."

"Tell me already." Maria crowded the screen even more, wiggling her brow and smirking. "You've already seen it, haven't you? That's why you mistakenly asked him out."

"Back up, married woman."

"My curiosity is innocent. Tell me already, jor."

"Fine! He's ripped. Happy?"

Maria laughed. "Very happy. Didn't I tell you I have a feeling about you two?"

"How's David?" Genevieve asked in an attempt to change the topic.

Maria's smile turned knowing. "I see what you're doing."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Whatevs. Dave's fine. Can you believe his mum suggested we name our baby Flora if she's a girl?" Maria made a face. "No way I'm naming my kid that."

"But Flora is a pretty name—"

"I strongly disagree. Sounds like fluoride," Maria said as she looked away, distracted by something in the background.

"Flora's a pretty name, though," Ada said next to Genevieve.

Heart flying to her throat, Genevieve's phone slipped from her hand and clattered to the floor. "Will you stop doing that?" She whisper-yelled through gritted teeth before retrieving her phone.

"Something came up," Genevieve said when Maria's focus returned to the screen. "Will call you later."

"Bye!" Maria waved before ending the call.

Genevieve turned to face Ada. Her glare turned to a frown of confusion. "Why are you dressed like that?"

Ada glanced at her clothes before looking up. "W-what? You think I look ridiculous?"

Genevieve shook her head, even though a smile pressed to make an appearance. "Nah, it's just..." She cocked her head and observed Ada from head to toe. "You look like you're heading for an interview. What's with the blazer and round glasses?"

In moments like this, Genevieve wished she could take a photo of Ada. She looked ridiculously cute in her corporate attire and those adorable little loafers.

"Contrary to what you may believe, I have a good fashion sense," Ada said with her nose in the air and arms folded across her chest.

"Not gonna argue with that," Genevieve said with a laugh before reclining in her chair. "I thought you were sick of my company. I even told you I missed you, but you just—poof."

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