There's Something In The Cake

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After two hours of near-endless coding, Genevieve dragged her aching body to the bathroom. She grimaced at her reflection. The curls at the base of her braids were a bit rough and her eyes. Gosh, those dark circles. The Panda eyes were getting worse. She made a face before turning to fix a quick shower.

Even bathing proved difficult. She ended up spilling shower gel on the floor, and for some infuriating reason, the heater wouldn't work properly. When she pulled on her nightshirt, she was irritable, hungry, and ready to devour whatever concoction Lisa came up with. 

Genevieve discarded the idea when she entered the kitchen.

A mountain of filthy pots, pans, and bowls was stacked in the sink. What she guessed was flour dusted the counter on several spots, and two eggs lay smashed on the floor. The only positive thing about the chaos was the aroma in the air. Frowning, Genevieve took a long sniff, trying but failing to name what was making her salivate like crazy.

"What happened?"

Lisa turned and beamed at Genevieve. Her face was smeared with flour and what looked like brown food colouring. "It worked! I made my first cake."

"Cake?" Genevieve blinked, trying but failing to make sense of what she just heard. "You baked a cake for dinner?"

Lisa grinned and nodded. "Aha."

Genevieve's shoulders dropped as she made her way around the landmines on the kitchen floor. "Look at the place." She walked past Lisa and inspected the wall. "Is that margarine?"

"I'll clean it up," Lisa said, tone breezy and excited. She gripped Genevieve's shoulders and steered her towards a neater part of the kitchen.

"Tada!" Lisa waved a hand with flourish.

Something large, brown, and misshapen sat on the small table. There was no way that was dinner. No way.

"What do you think?" Lisa bounced on her feet, an unsure smile forming on her lips.

Genevieve stepped closer and observed the 'cake'. It resembled a large clump of mud from one angle and a crushed top hat from another. What were those white circles on it? An edible thing shouldn't look like that.

"What's this?" Genevieve shifted her gaze to her still beaming cousin.

"What?" Lisa's smile faltered. "Isn't it obvious? It's a cake."

"Good Lord, Lisa. That looks like some random giant took a dump in the middle of my kitchen. What are those white things on top of it?" Genevieve observed the cake warily. "I think it's eyeballing me."

"Stop hating." Lisa produced a gleaming cake cutter and plates. "I bet it'll taste bomb. Come on, have a slice."

Genevieve shook her head hard. "Nope. I'll pass on this one."

Lisa butchered the cake anyway and dumped a dense slice on each plate.

"Go on, have a bite." Lisa pushed the plate forward.

Genevieve eyed the brown disaster with misgiving. "You know what," she forced a smile, "I'm not hungry."

Lisa's eyes grew serious. "I need feedback on my first attempt at baking. See, I'm taking a bite." She shovelled a forkful into her mouth and chewed.

"What the..." Lisa furrowed her brow as she stared in wonder at the cake. She took another forkful, moaning as she chewed. "You need to try this, Viv. Damn." She paused chewing and thought for a second. "If it doesn't taste good, I'll give you those Jimmy Choo you've been begging for."

No way. Genevieve drew nearer, eyebrow cocked in disbelief. "No jokes?" That pair of shoes was insanely expensive and stupidly gorgeous.

Lisa shrugged and took another bite. "Yep, cross my heart."

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