Chapter 3

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I walked to the main chapel of The Imperators Palace. As of now, it was empty, the mass had just ended. I walked to the front of the chapel, and I took a long stare at the Imperator's Church Insignia: it was Earth, with a halo on top of it. I went down on my two knees, and I started reciting the 'Oratio Ad Imperator'.

"God Imperator, the Rebirther of Mankind. You have granted us a second chance. We repay you,  by fighting along side you, The Fathers of Willbuxia and as brothers and sisters united. We repay you, by slaying The Negatives, the ones who desire your death, to see you suffer. We pray that when our duty has been accomplished, we will get to see your true holy light, and fight alongside you and Sodus. We pray to you Imperator, for you, are the-"

I was interrupted by a voice, finishing my sentence saying:

"True light"

I look back, and it is there I see the very man I was praising, Imperator Guilliame of the Willbuxian Empire.

"Lord Imperator, it's an honor to see you" I say, knelling down to him

"Please my son, I believe we had already discussed this, it's Grandfather"

"My apologies, Grandfather" I respond, Imperator Guilliame letting out a small chuckle. I watch as he walks over to the large window and I stand next to him, seeing he is double my size

"Do you think there more out there than just space Grandfather?" I ask him

"Of course there is. So much waiting to be discovered and so much hiding from us"

"Why don't we find it then?" I asked

"We don't know if it's a threat or not. I try my best to protect this empire with all my might. Treat the good men and women of it like my very children. You're luck to be standing here with me son"

"I suppose so"

A silence

"How's your Father doing?"

"Growing old, the usual" I respond "You know, he says that someday I'll be just like him, a Father of The Empire"

"I believe so too. It's time you stop fighting and rule over this great empire, show our foes the new Father. The Boybuxians will fear you"

"Well after the war, they don't seem to fear anything" I say

"Then you show them fear"

A smile grew on my face, soon being interrupted by the sound of the doors opening, revealing James to be the one who busted through

"James?" I asked

"Uhg...Henderson" he said, tired from what seemed like running "The's back!"

I said nothing as the Imperator rushed out of the chapel, me and James following behind. We followed as he ran up as quickly as he could to the top floor of the palace, where he stood on a balcony. Me and James looked out the window as a massive ship hovered above Earth. We saw as a large red light grew bigger and bigger on the ship, firing a massive laser and shooting ships out of battle. We watched as more and more ships were destroyed by this, and soon the ship was prepared to destroy Earth. Just before it could, we saw as The Imperator raised both of his hands at the ship. A large crack in the sky had formed and grew and grew to make a massive rift, the ship falling in. Me and James let out a sigh of relief seeing this, but that was when the Imperator fell unconscious.

We rushed over to help him, trying to wake him but it was no use. I looked at the rift and saw multiple ships come out of the rift. As they landed on Earth I could see some Automatons go over to investigate the ship, but were quickly killed my a squad or armed, dog? No, wolves! Wait no, foxes? Their species varied but they all had something in common, anthropomorphism. I knew exactly who these people were and so did James, and only two words came out of my mouth

"Well shit"

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