Chapter 4

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    I was doing my maintenance down on Sub-Sector B4. A broken pipe had been spotted and I was tasked with fixing it. It took me quite some time to fix it, which is reasonable, since this ship needs a a lot of care. While I was doing that, I heard a voice come out of my radio.

"All personnel, please report to the nearest Teleportation Sequence seats immediately. Teleportation Sequence has been initiated."

I was confused at first, where would we need to go? I decided to message my friend, asking him what the hell was going on.

"Albert? Albert do you copy?"

"Yeah, I copy bud. What's up?"

"Listen Albert, I just got a message telling me to get ready to teleport, you happen to know anything about that?"

"Uhh, I think so. Heard people talking about it in Sector E6, saying that the Supreme Army needs help back on Earth. What would be so bad that would require the S.S Henderson?"

"Well if it requires the flagship of the Willbuxian Empire, then you already know."

    I ran to the shuttle station as fast as I could, even thought there were still about fourty-five minutes till the sequence began. But with the Henderson being 1/3 the size of Earth, it would take me hours. Luckily, there were shuttle stations all over the place, helping me get to my destination at a snap of a finger.

. . .

    I made it to a seat station, with about a minute to spare. The station was a large plain room, with its walls covered in Gravity Wells. I could see my friend Albert sitting in one of the seats, strapping himself up. I decided to sit next to him.

"Hey, good to see you made it T."

"How'd you get here before me A?" I asked.

"Me? Well I was like a block away."

"No wonder" I said.

    I began strapping myself in, getting ready for the jump. A Teleportation Sequence happens only once a month, and its the craziest experience a crew member aboard the S.S Henderson could ever experience.

"T-Minus 30 seconds till jump."

    Once I heard that announcement over the loudspeaker, I felt a nervous feeling fill me, since I never experienced a Teleportation Sequence before. Unlike my friend Albert, who's been working here for like, 5 years. He's done this like 10 times. With about 15 seconds remaining, another announcement came on.

"T-Minus 15 seconds till jump. Diverting all ship power to Jump Thrusters"

    With that announcement over, the lights began flickering on and off, until we were left in the darkness. "10...9...8..." The ship began counting down. With that, my palms began sweating and so was my face, I was practically scared at this point, but it was too late for that now. I could hear the thrusters, charging up, preparing for the jump.

"3...2...1...Launch Initiated"

    A bright light could be seen on the screen connected to the exterior cameras, and with that, the light dissipated, and electricity started flowing through the outside of the ship. I could barely see a large rift, at the front of the ship. The electricity then connected to the rift, and the Henderson  and everything inside it became like a ghost, and traveled faster than the speed of light.

    All of the people sitting were launched back from their seats, and we could see stars soaring a light speed right past us. And that's when I saw, someone who didn't make it to their seat in time. That man was launched toward the wall and phased through, being left behind in the darkness of space. I watched the ship transcend and saw the stars turn into a large light blue wormhole. That wormhole then got brighter, then brighter, then brighter. To the point where looking at it could blind you. Ad that's when the jump ended. I was launched forward, and I could see space again. An infinite dark abyss, once again. The Henderson phased back into space, and so did we.

"Teleportation sequence concluded"

    With hearing that announcement, I removed my seatbelt and stood up and stretched. I then saw some people looking towards the screen and watching in fear and shock. This confused me and Albert. We both observed the screen, and I let out a gasp.

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