Chapter 8

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"Command, report in. I've found the location. My guess, is that the Heretics are producing the nukes in some sort of underground base. There's only a small outpost up here. Not enough room to make a nuke factory" I said into the radio

"Find an entrance into the factory. Contact us as soon as you can" The voice in the radio responded

As I went down the hill to the base, I saw it wasn't so guarded. One by one I silently killed each guard that was in the base, and no alarm was triggered. I looked around and saw an old fashioned elevator, with it's doors opened. I walked inside and pressed the button as the elevator descended.

As it descended further and further down, the wall in front of me turned to glass, and there I saw a massive factory, with assembly lines all around, and pieces of metal moving around the entire factory by chains on the ceiling. Below was a large pit of fire and lava, in which scraps were dumped into. This was the nuke factory, and in the distance I saw a room, which I believed to be the control room.

"Command, come in. I am inside the factory. They've got whole assembly lines and everything. They're making nukes down here like hotcakes." I said into the radio

"Then you must shut that whole operation down. If one of those nukes infected an entire world, no doubt these things will be the reason the Willbuxian Empire falls." The voice in the radio replied

"I think I see a control room in the distance over there. I'll drop by and pay a visit. I'll see what I can do" I replied

"Copy. Safe winds, Captain" The voice in the radio said as I walked out of the elevator, through the factory.

I proceeded through the factory, finding it completely empty, expect for a few guards. I walked up a flight of stairs and found myself walking on a catwalk, a whole view of the factory in front of me. I proceeded through, and found the catwalk infested by guards. I knew what I had to do. Guns blazing and all, I massacred all the guards, and made my way to the control room, where I saw a Cowommander, about to call in support. I immediately killed him and made my way to the control panel.

"I'm in the control room. There's gotta be a switch or something to shut all this shit down" I said to myself as I looked around, and there I saw an assortment of switches on the wall. Looking at their labels, I flipped a few switches and the entire production line stopped.

"That outta do it" I said to myself, but that was when the alarm sounded

"Alert! Alert! Intruder alert! All units, report to main control room!"

I quickly ran out of the room as I saw the catwalk was storming with guards. I used my wrist pad and activated the jet wings on my back, and evaded to another section of the catwalk. More and more soldiers came, as I evaded enemy gunfire. I evaded to a clear section of the catwalk as arrived to a large gap between the catwalk, that had been destroyed.

"Shisse. Need to jump. Elevator's on the other side" I said to myself as I took a few steps back, and ran off the catwalk. I expected the jet wings to do the work for me, but that's when the jet wins sputtered, and turned off.

"Shit." I thought to myself as I fell into the dark abyss below, fallin deep down into the factory, landing in a large pool of water.

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