Chapter 12

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"Captain Henderson...Commander of the Siege Automatons...Nightmare of The Great Furry Empire...Scourge of Furries galaxy wide..." Firefly said to me, being barely audible as I slowly woke up.

"Call me all the nicknames you'd like. They're all true." I replied

"Hah...soon the empire will see you for what you truly are. Nothing but a weak sap. A failure. Soon they will see, the death of The Nightmare." Firefly said

"The Nightmare? I like it." I replied

"You're so gullible, Captain Henderson. You came here for what goal? I'd like to know that" Firefly asked

"To have your head at the end of my blade." I replied

"You've killed so many innocent furries. I'm not surprised you want to kill me now" Firefly responded

"You'll see soon" I replied as Firefly angrily left the room

It was silent for a minute there.

"Cap? Captain? You there?" Paul asked as he woke up

"I'm here, Paul. Good to see you still alive." I responded

"Back hurts a bit, but I'm fine. What about Chloe?" Paul asked.

"She's strong. She'll live." I replied

"Good word. Cap, we gotta get out of here, any ideas?" Paul asked

"Just wait. Trust me." I replied

Minutes passed, but I could hear screams of excitement and wanting something. They wanted a bloodshed.

Meanwhile, at the stadium, it looked like the coliseum, but more modern, almost as if it were built to be brand new. Inside the Emperor Booth, in came Ross as the thousands of Furries in the stadium shouted and screamed in excitement. Ross smirked as he stood behind the microphone, and made his announcement.

"Welcome. To Anthro-Con!!"

The entire stadium was riled by these words their emperor had brought. Screaming louder, ready for the show

"Today, is a grand day for our empire, and soon to be a grand year, for all! You all, seen the news. Humans, as they call themselves. They've started a war with our mighty empire. They want each and every single one of us, dead. But, the great men and women of The Furry Army, our mighty machines of The Protogen Division, and everyone else! Soon, these Humans will know what it's like to be Furries, and we will show them, our true might! But, we won't let them stop us from having fun, right?" Ross explained

The crowd shouted their answers.

"Of course! And today, for all of you, we have a special treat. A Human, competing in our games today, and not just any ordinary Human. No, we have two Humans, and a traitor! Competing in these games!" Ross shouted

The crowd grew louder and louder.

"So, let skip all this chitchat and get to the games! Open the gates!" Ross shouted as me, Paul and Chloe were dragged out by soldiers and thrown to the large fighting arena. The crowd booed at us. Not only that, but they were in shock.

"Ready for Anthro-Con everyone?" Ross asked as the stadium cheered in excitement "Then let the games begin! Release, our competitor!"

Me, Chloe and Paul watched as the gate on the other side of the arena slowly open, and our walked out a small Fur. It was about half my size. Paul scoffed.

"It gonna try and nibble on our legs or something?" Paul asked, but that was when something happened.

The Fur mutated, and grew and grew and grew into this massive beast, with six arms on its torso, and large tentacles coming from its back. Its mouth was filled with razor sharp teeth. We all stepped back as we saw the creature grow into its beast form, standing over 20 feet tall it seemed.

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