Chapter 10

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"Captain Henderson, nice arm you got there. Must have been a lot of suffering" Jake said, mockingly as I had a robotic arm drilled onto me to replace the arm I had cut off

"You weren't the one who walked through hills for over an hour" I replied as I groaned in pain "Or getting a fuckin' metal arm drilled on"

"Did you finish the mission?" Jake asked

"It's done. No more nukes" I replied

"Well, Chloe has been doing some research. She decrypted a hidden message by The Heretics, and found something out" Jake replied

"What is it?" I asked

"Come with me" Jake responded as I got off the bed, and followed him out of the medical room

"Well, apparently their nuke plan was just simply a stepping stone for what they were really planning. A massive technological leap, we call it. Emperor Ross is planning on building these monstrous super soldiers out of his own people. Project Creativity he calls it. Did I ever tell you? Anyways, they're expected to be as strong as Siege Automatons, with stronger weapons, and they're planning to use one thing: Magic." Chloe explained, upon arrival at the Meeting Room

"They're planning on making super soldiers, with magical weapons?" I asked

"Correct" Chloe replied

"Sound bad, doesn't it, Captain?" Paul asked

"If these super soldiers are as strong as you say, he could send a whole wave of them and obliterate out men. Our Automatons maybe. We cannot let that happen" I explained

"Well, I do know Captain that all of this is going down on the homeworld of the Furries. All the best minds are there working day and night on this" Chloe explained

"One problem though. We don't know where their homeworld is" James said

"Someone has to know. Anyone." I said

"Well, we've been reviewing enemy comms, and we got a possible suspect. Cowommander Firefly, they call him. He's in possession of secret files, in which give the exact coordinates of their homeworld. We find Firefly, and we get those files." Chloe explained

"You know where he is?" I asked

"They were speaking about him being on some world, named Murr. Don't know why the hell they named it that, but I've heard it's nothing but trouble on it" Chloe responded

"Then we proceed forward. Let's find Firefly, and take his files" I responded back.


"Captain, come in Captain" James said into the radio

"I'm here" I responded

"Right, now listen. I got some info from Chloe. The whole planet is infested with Beans. You know, the super small ones? Well, I suggest you stay far away from Hives, or Nests. You already know, I hope. Anyways, Firefly's location is being transmitted from a building called "Fun Times" and might I suggest you take a silent approach? Beans are guarding the place, and will eat you alive if you're spotted" James explained

"I know, listen, I see the building. It's by the outskirts of the city. Damn abandoned. I'll go through the ventilation system, and make my way to his office." I explained

"Rodger, Oh, and Chloe tells me that inside theres some sort of 'mind controlling' things going on. I don't suggest keeping eye contact with anyone in there for so long. Imperator knows if you'll get corrupted or not" James explained

"Listen, I need to go. The building's coming up" I responded as I arrived at the building. I looked up and saw the size of the building, being decently big. I looked around and saw a small alley next to it. I walked down the alley and saw a small hatch, and opening it, revealed the vent system. I went inside and crawled under the building, right under the Heretics feet. I could hear barely audible footsteps and noises coming from above, and using my grapple attachment, I went up to the second level.

The sounds got more and more frequent up here, and I could hear music start to play. As I went through the vents, I began talking to James on the radio.

"James I'm inside the building, but I need a location of Firefly. Is the Nightmare Eyes ready for upload to my helmet?" I asked

"But of course, Captain. I'm uploading the advanced forensics examination device to your helmet now, or as you call it Nightmare Eyes. It should allow you to see through walls, and the location of enemies or allies." James explained as I activated it, getting a whole view of the building's people, and the location of Firefly's office

"Thanks James, I see Firefly's office. I'm going to the files right now" I said as I proceeded through the vents to where I was under Firefly's office. I saw him sitting on his desk, or at least his orange silhouette. With a vent placed right under his room, I quickly popped out and grabbed Firefly by the neck, forcing him to the ground. That was when I realized my mistake. This wasn't Firefly, just a fake to trick me. He began laughing as I began shouting at him.

"Where is Firefly!?" I shouted in question.

"The boss is gone! Long gone! You're too late Human! Your mission has failed!" The fake said as I smashed the window and held the fake outside of it, threatening to drop him to his death.

"I'm not asking again!" I said

"Ok! Ok! He went to go see Emperor Ross at Anthro-Con! I swear that's all I know!" The fake responded in fear

"Much obliged" I said as I slammed his head against the desk

"James, get Chloe on the line" I requested

"Hey Henderson, what's up?" Chloe asked

"I need you to find everything you can about "Anthro-Con" I requested

"Anthro-Con? Everyone knows about that. It's the biggest event in all of Furry history" Chloe responded

"What do you mean? Elaborate" I asked

"Basically, its a huge gladiator styled fight, where they have prisoners fight against these massive beasts, or fight against other prisoners to the death. Very interesting. Why do you ask?" Chloe asked me

"Firefly is going to be there, along with Ross. Wherever he is, so will the files" I responded

"Well luckily for you, everyfur knows where it is. It's on a world called Great Pittsburg. It was the homeworld, but ever since Ross came, the homeworld is a totally different planet now." Chloe explained

"Then we head to Anthro-Con, and take the files. This is our only chance to find Ross, and topple the Furry Empire, for good" I replied, exiting the building.

Time for war.

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