Chapter 6

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"Haha! You're still breathing you asshole! You really are as tough as they say!" James said to me as I awoke from my unconscious state, laying on a bed.

"What happened? What happened to the S.S Henderson?" I asked, slowly rising off the bed

"The Henderson is good, Captain. She was disengaged from battle. No more battle." James responded

"No. The battle continues. They started a war, the Heretics. We need to find Ross" I said

"Lucky for you, Captain, we have found a way. Our Automatons tracked Ross' vessel to where it hyper-jumped, and found it landed in the Zenith Outer Reach. You remember that system, do you Captain?" James asked me

"How could I forget? So this is where Ross is?" I asked

"Correct" James responded

"Assemble the team.We're gonna find Ross, and shoot him in the head" I said, getting off the bed.


"Automatons spotted him boarding that ship" Jake said as we looked out into the distance and saw a massive ship hovering in the distance

"The Rainbow" I replied "Emperor Ross' personal warship. It flies around the entire galaxy searching for enemies of the empire. Massive guns, that can shoot down whole worlds, they say. I doubt it"

"We of course can't shoot it down. It's AI system will lock onto any of our shots and shoot it down. It'll be impossible to land a hit" Jake went on

"Ross is in there. We need to get in, somehow" I said, as Jake smirked

Time flies.

Me and Jake were dragged into the ship by guards as they forced us down on the ground, holding their guns on their belts.

"You seriously turned us in?" I whispered to him

"Look, you should be glad. We're inside. This is the easy part, just leave it to me" Jake said as the metal door nearby opened, and in came Ross, with his large rainbow cape on his back, and a crown on his head. Next to him, was a smaller "Protogen" as they called it. It had white fur, wearing red clothing. Its visor ring was of a rose red color, and its tail stretched over two feet long it seemed. It was nervous.

"Look at this. The great Captain Henderson, turning himself in. How stupid you have grown." Ross said as he smirked, standing dominantly above me. That's when I heard a whimper come from behind Ross. It was the white-furred Protogen

"Chloe, what's the matter? You're not, nervous, are you?" Ross asked the white furred Protogen, now referred to as Chloe.

"N-No Father...Just trying to g-get this over with " Chloe responded, nervously.

"Get this over with? Why's that? You afraid that this Human is going to kill us all? You must be afraid, aren't you?" Ross questioned "You are so feeble, just like your Mother! That is why I killed her, and I would do the same to you, but this empire needs to be ruled by someone after I die. And someone, must kill Captain Henderson!"

"Father, I thought you promised you wouldn't kill them. Grandfather Prima promised that this empire would be a safe haven, not a-" Chloe said as she was interrupted by Ross

"Screw what your Grandfather said! This is my empire now! All of it is under my control, and nobody gets to say otherwise. I make all the orders around here, and what I order you to do, is to kill Henderson, and his friend here" Ross demanded as he handed his daughter a pistol

"Father...please" Chloe said as she began sobbing

"I said, kill him!" Ross shouted as Chloe slowly rose the gun to my head, but dropped it and began sobbing

"Must I do everything around here!?" Ross shouted as he picked up the pistol, but in a split second I elbowed one of the soldiers holding me, quickly took his gun and shot the other guard. I pointed the rifle at Ross and fired various shot, missing each one. I diverted my attention to the other guards as Ross escaped the room, shutting the door. After killing both guards, Jake stood up as we both walked over to Chloe, laying in shock on the floor.

"Give us one good reason not to kill you now" I ordered as I pointed the rifle at her head

"P-Please...I can help you. I can help humanity. I want my father dead as much as you do. He's planning on doing things. Very bad things. These things could possibly destroy your empire" Chloe responded, shocked and sobbing.

Me and Jake stood silent for a second.

"Fuckin' shite. I'm going to regret this." I said to myself as I let out my hand, offering to help her up. Chloe took my hand as I helped her back on her feet.

"T-Thank you" Chloe responded, smiling a bit.

"Only reason we're not killing you is because you didn't want to kill us. Unless you stab us in the back. You gonna backstab us?" I asked as Chloe returned to her nervous state

"No sir. Never. I'm not part of the Furry Empire anymore. I want to help you in killing my Father" Chloe explained

"Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for. Well, Ross fled. How the hell do we get out of here?" Jake asked as we looked around

"I can help with that" Chloe said as she lead us to a small room, with drop-pods in it.


Inside the S.S Henderson's war room, it was chaos. It was I, Jake, James, Nick, Paul, and Chloe. Chloe had stood silent as the rest of us argued. What about?

"Everyone listen!" I shouted to the others as the room fell silent. "Now, our "savior" here says and tells us some things. A technological leap, we call it." I explained

"Why is there even a Heretic on board? In this room?" James asked as the room went silent for a second. I slowly turned my head and looked at Jake.

"Eh, if it weren't for her, Henderson and I would be dead now. I guess we gotta return the favor, unless she stabs us in the back!" Jake said as Chloe stood nervous

"I told you! I won't!" Chloe shouted in response

"Don't you shout! Now, this lass knows about said technological leap. What are they making?" Jake asked

"Nukes, Mawsta Jake. Nukes. Ross is making these nukes in a factory in one of his worlds. He plans on unleashing them onto the Willbuxian Empire, corrupting all of its people" Chloe explained

"D you know where the factory is?" I asked

"Yes, Mawsta Henderson. A planet called Ellatoxter. Though, Ross wants to test a prototype on one of your worlds. He unleashes the nuke tomorrow, and with that comes a corrupted planet." Chloe said

"Which one of our worlds?" I asked

"Elysium, I believe" Chloe responded

"Mierda, we got Strike Team Nova there. Heretics must be bombing it to take them out" I said

"We best high tail and head over there ASAP, Captain. Imperator know how long they'll survive out there on their own after the nuke launches" Nick suggested

"Paul, activate the S.S Henderson's Hyper Jump and take us to Elysium, now!" I ordered as we all ran to the bridge. Going to save a world.

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